Hello there!! This sight is designed simply for people who are wanting to find out more about their health (plus enjoy a little positive message every now and then). It is not here to sell anything or any product. Please note that products listed are ones I use, believe in and recommend personaly.
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BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measurement that uses a scientific formula to determine a person’s safest, healthiest weight based upon their weight and height.
What the results mean
BMI provides a helpful guideline for achieving the weight range that's healthiest for you. You can interpret your BMI results as follows:RESULT
*Below 20 --- slender-lean
*20 to 25 --- ideal weight range
*25 to 30 --- overweight (25-27 could be healthy range if large-boned and heavily muscled)
*30 + --- very overweight / high risk
*40 + --- extremely overweight / high risk for health complicationsClick here to see your BMI results Click here to take your Wellness Quiz In order To help prevent obesity and other health problems, we offer our great products made from natural herbs, minerals and vitamins. We have all the essential amino acids your body needs including an optimal cellular nutrition program. We offer soy protein in all of our shakes with 19 essential vitamins and minerals that your body need for optimal satisfaction.
Our products are guaranteed to keep you full and satisfied by optimizing your protein intake, low calories and fiber to give you that feeling of fullness and help you digest well. It provides a balanced and healthy nutritious shake that's great for the body. Our program help keep all the organs working together correctly so that your body is functioning normal. The Shapeworks program is able to keep you satisfied longer and healthy so that you are able to control your appetite longer and maintain healthy.Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts/