Lurks 2002 from Malasia, blend euro and eastern stylings, both delicate and dark, with a hint of Eno and Bowie's Berlin period. Peacework Music 2002 (ps-yes, we are malasian)When Depeche Mode relocates to Chow Kit
Unclogged 2003 (ps-this seems very apparent now..hmm)..Now it was the chance of Lurks - three good-looking young men with an engaging, unassuming yet magnetic sort of music, almost hypnotic - singer with a voice that sculpts out the words with sometimes weird expressiveness, guitarist with a fine minimalist style.
Hassan Peter Brown . Acoustic jam 2003
Lurks embraces technology like a boyfriend embraces his girlfriend. They kiss and dance passionately, singing about everlasting love. And then comes the gothic depeche moments. Oh
'let go' is utterly smashing. it makes me wanted to tempah baju kurung and imagining your faces n figures while.. ah, you know.
A friend ;) 2006Why does the Lurks rock so hard?Simply, they coat their clever pop tunes with layers of electronic toppings and an ice cold backbeat.This Malaysian act carries on the tradition of great synth pop acts like Depeche Mode and Pet Shop Boys.You've gotta love that!
Willy Tan . Aging Youth 2006thanks zach ! i loved the lurks show. see you later
Jens. 2007 Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile