Kit "Stymee" Stovepipe profile picture

Kit "Stymee" Stovepipe

I am a merchant & collector of rare jungle produce

About Me

Kit enjoys long walks on the beach at sunset, he loves puppies but hates to be questioned. he also enjoys collecting 78 rpm records and pretending he understands what he's doing when attemting to reconstruct your vcr on meth with an over cooked bowl of noodels and a hat. His favorite thing to do when not masturbating or exhuming potato's from his neibors yard, is to smear ground lamb and blue cheese salad dresing on the windows of cars belonging to people he has never met before to the best of his knowledge! when not giving resturant reviews or buying minors alcohol and smut, kit likes to eat hot dogs in front of circke k at three in the morning. you can often catch kit at the beach parasailing with a strong wind behind him and a bright future ahead.kit is curently working on an album of red scare wattermellon banjo meat particles, featuring horribly butcherd hits of the 70's and tye dye ellephants ringing bells and shit.when the Inkwell Rhythm Makers went on a break for a few months, Kit retreated into the basement to play music, draw, and work on a vast multitude of projects.... but eventualy Kit grew weary of not having a band to play with so he started wrighting new songs and recording them with a multi track recorder using old toy instruments he had had since he was a kid, an old washboard from his days in sour mash, a jug from picadilly flea market, and a tub bass Alex had lent him right before she left for Chicago. some of the songs are renditions of obscure blues, tin pan alley, and early country tunes, some are songs from cartoons from the 1920's to the early 1940's interpolated beond familiar recognition, and some songs are just songs he likes allot but arn't really that diffrent from the originals other than a few mixed regional styles here and there.even though Kit's not sure if theese songs are any good he figured that if he took the time to put them togther then mabye someone would be interested in hearing them.More songs will be recorded so the play list will change. here it is while it still is....

My Interests


Member Since: 12/1/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Kit and the man in the moon
Influences: the Memphis Jug Band, The Beatles, not Lindsy Myers, Alexandra Ephtimia Atheena Anagnostopoulis, the Callahan Brothers, Harry McClintock, The Boswell Sisters, Sleepy John Estes, Emmett Miller, Jimmie Rodgers, Craig Ventresco, Kid Prince Moore, Spark Plug Smith, Baby Gramps, Felix & Huck, Brody, Hans,Willis & Joe, Michael Hurly, Billy Murray, Old Cartoons & short subjects, the Little Rascles, Farina with lumps in it, the smell of old 78 rpm records and good Coffee, Becks first three albums and all the B sides, Hellen Kane, Hellen Gross, Old Maps that have illustrations of sea monsters and mermaids on them, Irving Berlin ( who I think I might be related to through my great gandmother from white Russia) , Bob Dylans Early stuff, John "mutherfucking" Prine, Martin & Robberts, Ashly & Foster along with all thoes other early country musicans that where tough as nails, Jabbo Smith, The red Onion Jazz Babies, people I see walking around that look just as confused as I am, Dr. Seuss, Arnold Lobell, Danny Elfman, Shell Silverstien, Blind Blake, Very Early Gene Autry, Very Early Roy Acuff, John Hurt, Dick Justice, Richard Rabbit Brown, Elizebeth Cotten, Joseph Spence, things that are strange and familiar at the same time, Tiny Parham, Nirvana, Shaney, Dustin Brooms, Gizmo, Uncle Lubin, the sound of a whole swamp of frogs all playing at night, Mysterious Mose, Jesse Fuller.................this list could really go on for a very long time. if you have made it this far then...uh... Runaway Bunny and Goodnight Moon.
Sounds Like: my room in the backround.. width="425" height="350" .. .The Original Tom & Jerry. the sound on this one is a little off but its so good I had to put it up... width="425" height="350" .. .Eddie Peabody makes all the girls feel good.. width="425" height="350" .. .I love this cartoon... width="425" height="350" .. .Georges Melies is my hero... width="425" height="350" .. The Boswell Sisters. they sing so good!
Record Label: Ragophonic Records
Type of Label: Major