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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

one morning The universe swirled around dangerously and fierce, like wine rushing through the esophagus of a serpent eating it's own tale, stacked on the backs of turtle shells. Feet slid on bananna peels clear across the room. Wool clouds where violet, pink and crimson.... bobbing like carrots fastened with twine. The theory of relativity broke down like an old engine on rusty tracks, and banged it's way through past the letter "Z", and started poking around. Right went left, horrizontal went sideways... night turned to day... and i peered out at the dawning of this strange and familiar dream, with crooked teeth, and fingers stained in india ink. we the modified hold that we are a distinct subcultural group with an established history and way of life. we take part in these activities and perform these body modifications for the betterment of ourselves, of our peers, and of the world in general. Piercing, tattoos, scarification, and other modifications are active political protest and lead to positive cultural reform. we demand the right to treat our bodies as our own, and we strongly urge all to do the same.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the Unknown person waiting in line for french fries at the Midway.Name brand popstar monks with broken sock garters coverd in meat sauce on top of old smokey in dangerous yoga poses likley to cause instant burrito blowout...and radioactive on meth electric toothpic socks.....biodiesel hangnail hammoc starter kit for salvation army McNuggle trio....farina, gardyloo, tote bags.professer turnip's dark holler graveyard hokum strutters with pickle fried abundance in waltz time and two bit jazz insurgents with special guest: Buzzsaw Mammy. ragtime gallimaufry. retromingent horse flypaper.

My Blog

I think im lysdexic

I could have stuck to you like a tick and sucked without notice. You could have ripped me off like an ex girlfriend. But then there would be the others. They chant from the sidelines of survival with ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 19:38:00 GMT

best day of my life... (bored at work)

Consider me to be a fly on the wall with a bird's eye viewI stare, as my birthtime drew nearThe only Earth I knew reared me in a world I grew to fearI do appear quite nude and warmI'm like "What's up ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:00:00 GMT

beer personality

You Are Guinness.. ityquiz/guinness.jpg" height="100" width="100">You know beer well, and you'll only drink the best beers in the world.Watered down be...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 17:05:00 GMT