Frida Kahlo
Music, writing , photography, poetry,music music
Anne-Julie (Anatomie Bousculaire)
METAL,rock,punk, goth (un peu),indus, blues.....
FUCKIN'SLAYER you're the best ,Walls of Jericho,, ,ZUUL FX, Lunachicks, Eths,Rob Zombie,Emklem, NaKeD AgGrEsSiOn, Nightwish,Path through the mist, Dark Sanctuary,Metallica,Cannibal Corpse, Dark Tranquility,Obituary,Tristania,J.Brel, Soulfly, Sepultura,Exodus,Trash Aka L,Black Sabbath,Pravda, Renaud, MY RUIN,Noir Désir,In Flames,The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Flamenco (ben quoi??!!!) ,Mano Negra,Trust, X Syndicate,The Exploited, DEATH, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Emperor,No one is Innocent, Iron Maiden,S.Gainsbourg, AC/DC,Suicide Commando, Ataraxia, Christian Death, Children of Bodom,Iggy Pop, L7, Rage against the machine , Cradle of Filth, NICK CAVE, Furia,the ARRS,Entombed,Mylène Farmer, Chimaira,SIX FEET UNDER,Cody, Unto Ashes, SKA-P,Rancid,Septic Flesh,Coal Chamber, Pantera, Rammstein, punish yourself,Scream Club, Deleyaman,The Flaming Pussy and more.....
Tarentino, La Belle Histoire, Frida, Monster,Versus, Lord of the ring , Horror movies Cronenberg, Romero, Peter Jackson (Bad taste yeahhhhhhhhh lol) , Le Couperet de Costa-Gavras, Alien, Asian movies .....
South Park!!!! Respecte mon autorité!!! Dexter my idol.
Baudelaire, Harlan Coben, Mary higgins Clark, Patricia Cornwell, Badinter (l'Execution), Victor Hugo, Kundera,Bernard Werber,Rimbaud,Calamity Jane (lettres à sa fille), Jim Morrison and more...
Ma mère pour son courage, pour s'être battue jusqu'au bout, repose en paix.