Books, movies, camping, swimming.
All sorts of people: readers, fellow authors, people to talk and share experiences with.
Man, I just can't write without music, but I'm listing here without any order in particular: Queen, Frank Sinatra, Ricardo Arjona, Shakira, Juanes, Gun's n Roses, Michael Bolton (yeah, I know), Madonna, Alanis Morissette, Franco DeVita.
Star Wars, James Bond, Indiana Jones, (Yes, I grew up in the 80's). But most recently, Kill Bill 1 & 2, The Fifth Element, A walk in the Clouds, Die Hard (1, 2, 3), The Fugitive,
After growing up with Knight Rider, Airwolf, Beverly Hills 90210 and the early seasons of Bay Watch. I grew tired of TV and now very rarely watch TV serials. I do make an exception for Friends though.
Oh Lord, where to begin? The Godfather, The Last Don, Harry Potter and the..., any Dirk Pitt adventure, Dangerous Fortune, Eye of the Needle, Road to Gandolfo, The Materese Circle, The Winner, Cronica de una Muerte Anunciada, El Caimán y el Verdugo, Destacamento Rojo, Crime and Punishment, El Caballo de Troya (1), and many, many, many more... Of course the Bible cannot go unmentioned!
James Bond, Fantomas, Superman, Indiana Jones, John Maclane, Chandler Bings, Cpt James T. Kirk, Anakin Skywalker. Unless you mean real life, in that case: Christopher Reeves, Pope John Paul 2, Gustavo Vásquez...