Not Doing Stuff, Saving the World from Itself, Sharing my Genius with the less fortunate, over-motivated, ulcer factories that I like to call, "Everybody Else." Drinking myself happy at Wrigley Field.
TURN ONS: Morons! ...And Idiots. From all walks of Life. It makes no difference if you're a rich, powerful, world renowned Rock Icon or if you're a half-starved, unwashed misanthrope who's pissing away his twenties, working at Starbucks because you can't let go of your delusional dream of someday becoming a rich, powerful, world renowned Rock Icon.
TURN OFFS: Go-getters, Movers & Shakers, and People with a Cause.
VITAL STATS: First of all, I've been told that my Binding is Perfect! I'm 6"x9" with a full color laminated cover and 124 luscious pages (and, yes, they're real!).
INFO: Let's get it on! You can find me at:
J.Bear Productions
Yanni, John Tesh--pretty much anything that'll help me get to sleep.
All Movies are Great, even if they Totally Suck. Anything that'll get you to sit on your ass for ninety minutes or more is Aces in my Book!
Even better than Movies! There's nothing sweeter to a Sedentologist than your sofa's well-worn ass crater.
This is one of those double-edged sword things. On the one hand, Books are the Sedentologist's Satan Incarnate; oh, they seem nice and Un-motivational because you're just sitting there for long periods of time as you read them, but in reality you're using way too much brain power, which in turn stimulates your creativity, which in turn often leads to Doing Stuff. On the other hand, you can completely ignore all the above stuff when it comes to reading DENIANETICS .