tacos (or mexican food in general), sailing, music, race car driving, glue sniffing, writing, photography, bible studies, water parks, fishing, sharking, insurance scheming, walking, sleeping, sleep-walking, not-being-killed
people who don't take no shit. people who stand up to the Man and tell him to get bent. people who pledge allegence to themselves and their pick-up trucks and nothing else. hard working americans, who bleed red white and blue. amen.
tom waits, pavement, silver jews, modest mouse, dresden dolls, the glands, tram, jets to brazil, dieselhead, burning airlines, the sadies, mike murphy, supergrass, the clash, the pixies, talking heads, built to spill, rl burnside, jsbx, delta 72, supersuckers, elliott smith, death cab, the vehicle flips, poster children, frank black, bright eyes, hives, hefner, morphine, radiohead, spoon, sebadoh, silver apples, ween, the stones, the shins, the who, the mopes, the national, blur, red red meat, the stranglers, beck, guided by voices, deadbolt, rocket from the crypt, thee michelle gun elephant, the brian jonestown massacre, nashville pussy, butter 08, ...and you will know us by the trail of dead, harlem shakes, no knife, en vouge, oh and the velocet, cause what kind of asshole would i be if i left that out. answer: a huge one.
(almost) everything from the coens, zombie flicks, sexy beast, jaws, and few others...
all things hbo (minus sex and the city), the fbi files on discovery, shootout! on the history channel, basically anything with firearms and rednecks.
conrad, bukowski, leonard, hemmingway, coen, salinger, burroughs, vonnegut, orwell, suess.
super dave osbourne. aquaman.