Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna (June 14, 1928 - October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che Guevara, was an Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader. “Che†is an Argentine expression for calling someone's attention, and in some other parts of Latin America, a slang for someone from Argentina.Guevara was a member of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement, which seized power in Cuba in 1959. After the revolution Guevara became second only to Fidel Castro in the new government of Cuba. After a brief stints as president of the National Bank and Minister of Industries, Guevara did not settle in as part of the new Cuban government, and tried without success to stage revolutions through guerilla warfare in various countries, notably the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Bolivia, where he was captured by a unit of the Bolivian Ranger Battalion advised by United States Green Berets on October 8, 1967, and executed the following day.
Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization, based upon common ownership of the means of production. It can be classified as a branch of the broader socialist movement. Early forms of human social organization have been described as 'primitive communism' by Marxists. However, communism as a political goal generally is a conjectured form of future social organization. There is a considerable variety of views among self-identified communists, including Maoism, Trotskyism, council communism, Luxemburgism, anarchist communism, Christian communism, and various currents of left communism, which are generally the more widespread varieties. However, various offshoots of the Soviet (what critics call the 'Stalinist') and Maoist interpretations of Marxism-Leninism comprise a particular branch of communism that has the distinction of having been the primary driving force for communism in world politics during most of the 20th century. The competing branch of Trotskyism has not had such a distinction.
"si todavia estas horrorizado por las escenas del 11 de septiembre yanki, aprovecha de hacer un minuto de silencio en homenaje a los kasi 3000 muertos kobardemente por terroristas en las torres gemelas.ya ke estas en silencio guarda otros 13 minutos por los 130000 muertos en el atake a irak por bush padre, aprovecha de rekordar ke en esa oportunidad los gringos festejaron esos muertos.ahora, guarda 20 minutos por los mas de 200000 iranies muertos por hussein kon armas i dineros proporcionados por la CIA y el gobierno estadounidense, otros 15 minutos por los rusos y los 150000 afganos muertos a manos del taliban, kon armas proporcionadas por los gringos, otra vez.Mas diez minutos por los mas de 100000 muertos japoneses muertos direkta o indirektamente en hiroshima i nagazaki por las bombas atomikas. si lo hicista, ya estuviste una ora en silencio, 1 minuto por los muertos gringos y 59 por alguna de sus viktimas, pero puedes guardar silencio por otra ora rekordando los muertos en vietnam i en todas las intervenciones yankis en latinoamerika (chile, nikaragua, el salvador etc). ojala alguien rekuerde el bombardeo a bagdad donde murieron 18000 irakies, ?alguien lo vio en cnn??alguien pidio justicia infinita? rogamos porke los norteamerikanos komiencen a entender ke ellos an provokado mucho dano en el mundo i ke ellos = son vulnerables. ke sus tragedias son tan barbaras i kobardes komo las ke ellos an provokado.los muertos de otros pueblos duelen tanto komo los nuestros."