MANTITS profile picture


"The mantits will loom over the earth"-Nostrodamus

About Me

I am an acoustic singer-songwriter-solo-musician-artist-person. Yes, yet ANOTHER one of those. Learn more about my ridiculous life, music and aspirations: MANTITS Homepage .You can acquire my CDs there, or here (prices do not include shipping), using these buttons:
MANTITS s/t ($5)
The first full Mantits CD, tracks like 'fun and blowjobs' and 'let me fucking die'...the essential tits
MANTITS pursuit of happiness ($5) The most naked mantits. Painful heart palpitations and existential torment against a backdrop of fundamentally vibrant hope. Vulnerable-euphoric-sad-artful stuff.
MANTITS quit while you're ahead ($5) B-sides and outtakes, recently released (post break-up). Similar in scope to s/t.
Pretend You're Happy ($7)
WARNING! this cd does not contain actual 'mantits' songs!!! Instead it is supersonic indie-orchestral-noise sludge-pop post-mantits music!!! Lap it up! Drink it down!
The music is written by one person and played by one person. There is a voice, usually singing and sometimes shouting. There are chords coming out of a nylon-string classical guitar being played with a flatpick. It is somewhat in the tradition of American folk music, somewhat in the tradition of punk rock. Some songs are slow, some are fast. Most of the words display self-entangled reflections on the social and personal convolutions we go through as we struggle or ski our way through a faceless and dissociated capitalist cultural landscape. Songs are often about hypocracy, self-deception, and social emptiness. Songs are often about culturally sanctioned forms of pseudo-sociopathic consciousness. Some songs are about finding hope through the creation of utopia in the space of a moment or in living a life of hope and vitality and overflowing inspiration by throwing off our personal shackles and allowing ourselves to open up the awkward space and powerfully experience the glowing intensity of life and togetherness purely for the sake of the glowing intensity itself and the experience of finding home everywhere by living in love and hope and pushing this pulse forward, without concern for ultimate justification or questions of eternal success or failure. And then there's songs like "I Like Golf"...Click here to listen to a couple of my songs:
Fun N' Blowjobs
Let Me Fucking Die
psych!!!...just go to the website...

My Interests

Giving my pretty melodies to everyone!
And going on tangeants:
Mantits is an attempt to shatter something and bring something else out. Whether either of these things are things is up for debate, I guess. Anyway, it's kind of an attempt to generate culture a way. People make concessions in life. There are certain necessary sacrifices. What these concessions and sacrifices consist of is determined largely by the very particular realities of a cultural context in which the individual lives. So a common sense cultural wisdom is based on a person's adaptation to their current environment. The notion that there are other possible ways of living, that possibly these concessions and sacrifices are not universal aspects of living, but transitory conditions in an unconsciously moving social organism, is scary, or at least hard to accept for a lot of people. I am not really sure why. Maybe because it threatens their need to be 'right', to posess what they claim as universal wisdom, or maybe it's because saying "that's life" helps people accept things that if they were to think otherwise, they might feel more conflicted about. Or maybe they're just tired and caught up in necessities and don't want to bother thinking too much. We are living in a sick fucking world. Granted? Thank you. People push it aside, it's easier not think about it, the problems are so huge, push it aside, drown in television or alcohol or pop culture or sports or social politics or underground subcultures or this or that, avoid the problems, why focus on them????? But of course they never really leave, and we think that the best we can do is push them away for the time being. Okay, so environmental collapse doesn't bother you because you'll probably be dead anyway by the time it affects you...maybe...and sure, war has been around forever, and yeah it sucks, but it's not impacting your immediate life. But then there's the other part. Everyday life in this culture...gee, the fact that we're living in a consumer society is nothing new to anyone (hopefully), but commodification doesn't end when you leave the store or leave the bank. The social/interpersonal world is hugely hugely monumentally impacted by capitalism. Personality is sold in shallow packages in a marketplace where people throw each other away at the drop of a hat so often. People smile and pretend they're happy in order to flow gracefully with currents of social normalcy, to get what they want out of a situation, and to mask to themselves and to others their other more 'ugly' thoughts and feelings. Meanwhile they step over eachother in countless competitive, more-or-less covert interpersonal battlefields. Substance is missing practically everywhere, and it doesn't matter what scene you're in or what social class or anything of the sort, and people can sit around and rant like I'm doing here and pretend they're above it, but may struggle with being able to really be present and open with another person because they are so ashamed of themselves and so frightened of appearing to not be a perfect representation of a prepackaged easily categorizable image that people will want to consume. It's not "cool," nor is it even "sane" to put yourself out there. Most of the time it's dangerous. And that part of it, even if you claim to not care about the rest of the world, is your everyday life. Mantits is about
1. Recognizing this underside to "hello, how are you?"
2. Trying to rise above this misery through self-knowledge, honesty, compassion, and meaningful and substantial connection.

I'd like to meet:



johnny hobo and the freight trains, jerkoff jackoff frigface, phil ochs, dead kennedys, beethoven, subhumans, culture shock, citizen fish, nwa, public enemy, mozart, wagner, neutral milk hotel, motorhead, les mystere des voix bulgares, hank williams, dropdead, disrupt, logical nonsense, in/humanity, nomeansno, mary o'hara, armenian choral music, neurosis, captain slut, alterschiest, william shatner, leonard nimoy, little richard, bjork, belly dancing music, kodo, guns n' roses, queen, buzz-oven, mcveighs, castrati, hired goons, two guys from lebanon, citizens on parole, the lobotomies, little wooden men, the freeeks, young republipukes, nlq, vomit dichotomy, dogshit deadbird, supermodel cokeparty, lammy, pyrotechnic conspiracy, chipmunk economy, reverend jimmie johansen, ddoouubbllee ttrroouubbllee, suicide bombers, master drummers of dagbon, ravi shankar, ac/dc, ravage, stiff little fingers, the specials, man in gray


rose red, storm of the century, needful things, woody allen, the iceman cometh, the vikings


I don't watch TV except for the Simpsons. Just kidding. I don't get any stations because I live in Brattleboro and won't pay for cable.


jurgen habermas, plato, guy debord, murray bookchin, emma goldman, karl marx, jay haley, paul watzlawick, gregory bateson, rumi, erich fromm, Freud, Jung, Maslow, Maturana, Varela, 1984, the human zoo by desmond morris, knots by RD Laing, unconscious communication in everyday life, kant, pierce, dewey, erving goffman, max weber, GH Mead....biooooooottttcccchhhh!!!!!!


superman, will smith

My Blog

pretend you’re happy is DONE

I ain't foolin.' If ya want one betta send me an email. I am so proud of my little baby, you have no idea...!!!
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:32:00 PST

myspace sucks

like i said, myspace sucks
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 04:08:00 PST


Newsflash! MANTITS broke up. Kind of. "By this statement of yours do you thereby mean something approximating the genesis of multiple personality disorder in the progenitor of the musical expressioni...
Posted by MANTITS on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 06:03:00 PST

The last frozen hamburger

There were a few bands when I was younger that meant soooooo much to me it is hard to explain w/o effort I don't feel like using at the moment. The projects of Dick Lucas are in the top bracket of thi...
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Booking a tour sucks big fat donkey butticimo

Yes, not even Body by Jake would enjoy this crap. Not that it isn't fun and exciting at the same thime, learning about who is where and what's happening. But I must have sent out sooooooooo many email...
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Two squirrels making love

I saw two squirrels making love under a velvet moon. In other news, as could have been predicted, the CD release will be slightly postponed. Some really incidental thing about the font on the insert.....
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Like a blind man peeing on breakfast sausage

The bird in flight faltered, then crashed into the burger king bathroom. What a rush!
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Pretend You're Happy

After a couple of consecutive nights of being exposed to suggestions for changing my band name, I have begun to take it seriously again. As substantially as almost two years ago I was considering it, ...
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ironing up the Wazoo!

I rented seven horror movies and am drowning in such fine cinema as The Haunting of Hell House and The Wickerman while ironing ironing ironing the fabric with Mantits designs. It is a simple life; I h...
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Silkscreening up the wazoo

Holy bujeezum! The entire weekend has been silkscreen mayhem. It is almost finished, just two runs to go today, and then tons of ironing and touch-up work. There are finally going to be patches and un...
Posted by MANTITS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST