comics, teaching comics, DIY, mini comics, self-publishing, zines, zinesters, zine libraries, zine librarians, book art, screenprinting, boys, girls, nerds, reading, writing, comedy, eyeglasses, pageboys and bobs, beards, vegan or veggie, queer, gender, gender queer, sexuality in general, American Sign Language, Houdini (sometimes), speculative fiction involving zombies, recycling, sustainable living, your mom, the UV, spaz dancing, belly dancing, people, places and things (in other words, nouns)
Nerds, queers, and Vermonters. Old school (1980s & 90s) zinesters and mini-comic makers - I'm trying to research the history of the mini-comic. Any Alaskan teenagers (or Alaskans who were once teenagers) who would like to share their experience (ie rant.) Punks, nerds, and misfits are a plus. Do you have a blog? Send me a link!
Flowers in the Wildwood: Women in Early Country Music is the best album ever invented! Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, Belle and Sebastian, Neil Young, Gram Parsons, TMBG, The Magnetic Fields, Le Tigre, Sleater-Kinney, Butchies, Tom Waits, Jayhawks, Flaming Fire
Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Harold and Maude, Heavy, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Nun's Story, Shaun of the Dead, Rocky.
Freaks and Geeks, Six Feet Under, Law and Order, Home Movies, Kids in the Hall, Mr. Show, Arrested Development.
Slapstick, Cat's Craddle, all Vonnegut, Catcher in the Rye, Cruddy, Peanuts the Art of Charles M. Schultz, Godspeed, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. TOP 6 GRAPHIC NOVELS: I Never Liked You, Perfect Example, Hicksville, Jar of Fools, Ice Haven, One Hundred Demons!
My grandmother, Dr. Rusty Bellringer: marine, cartoonist, self-publisher, Alaskan pioneer, psychologist. Semper Fi, grandma. Also Bob Dylan, Daniel Clowes, Houdini (for their art and not their personalities.) Nuns as depicted in fiction: Audrey Hepburn in The Nun's Story, Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music.