The band was formed in April of 1998.At that time
the members were Dejan vocal/guitar Boka/bass
and vocal Nikola drums.That summer the band added
second guitarist Petar to record their first demo.
Shortly thereafter the band started playing in
the clubs in Belgrade and other cities.
By the beginning of '99 they entered the studio
to record another 6 songs which would eventually
become their first album titled "Trax".
Near the end of recording Petar was replaced by Aref
who played in numerous hardcore bands.
Towards the end of 2000 band got signed to label and
put out their first album to which
the people in the almost entire hc/punk scene gave positive reviews.
While the band was promoting their album on concert
in Belgrade they sold out the entire club much to their surprise
leaving many people without a ticket.
The song "my best friend" was used in a movie
"Land of truth love and freedom" and became fan and critics
favorite receiving much radio and tv airplay.
Almost a year after thealbum was released
the band held a concert to almost a thousand people
in KST.After a number of shows played in Serbia including
Exit festival NS concert of the year the band recorded
another 12 songs for the upcoming album.
The album "Promised Land" was released in
January of 2002 for the same label and again had positive reviews.
They held a concert in Belgrade for a 650 people but the label was
not fully behind them at the time.Since the band wasn't satisfied
with the affairs and after a video for a song "Lil' Ann" was shoot
the band ended their ties with the label.
In 2003 Aref left the band and was replaced by Milos from the band
Tea break.With the new lineup band held as many concerts
around Serbia and Macedonia(including EXIT04,EXIT05) as they could
while in process releasing an EP titled "October" for SHCP records
in October 2004.
In May of 2006 Doghouse played their last show in Belgrade.
Searching for other musical expressions band went on hiatus after the show.There are no plans to start recording or playing in near future...
but we'll see what the time brings...
Bend je zvanicno nastao aprila 1998godine.Prvu postavu cinil su:
Dejan(vokal gitara),Å uki(bubanj),Boka (bas).Tog leta bendu se
prikljucuje drugi gitarista Pera i tada kao cetvorka snimaju svoj prvi demo.
Slede prvi koncerti po manjim klubovima u Beogradu i unutrašnjosti.
Pocetkom 1999 bend ponovo ulazi u studio da dosnimi ostatak pesama
za prvi album"TRAX".Po zavrsetku snimanja bend napusta Pera, a na njegovo mesto dolazi
Aref koji je do tada svirao u mnogim HC bendovima.2000 godine bend potpisuje ugovor sa izdavackom kucom "automatik records" i izdaje
krajem novembra svoj album prvenac koji nailazi na odlican odziv
publike, i biva prodat u par hiljada primerakaNa koncertnoj promociji, u klubu Doma Omladine, ovog albuma
rasprodate su sve karte ,a veliki broj ljudi ne uspeva da udje jer
sala nije mogla da primi toliku masu.
Pesma sa ovog albuma "MY BEST FRIEND" pojavljuje se i u filmu
"Zemlja istine ljubavi i slobode".Ova pesma prolazi najbolje kod publike i postaje svojevrstan hit.Leta 2001 na koncertu
povodom otvaranja bašte "KST" u publici je bilo oko hiljadu ljudi
sto je za ovdasnju scenu bio svojevrstan uspeh,koji skoro ni jedan
HCpunk bend nije uspeo da ostvari.Posle niza koncerata po Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj , ukjlucujuci i
Exit01,NS kocert godine, bend snima 12 novih pesama za drugi album.
Album "PROMISED LAND" izlazi pocetkom 2002 godine
takodje za "Automatik".Tim povodom bend nastupa u velikoj sali doma omladine, i opet nailazi
na dobar odziv publike, iako zbog nesuglasica sa izdavacem promocija
nije uradjena ka sto su clanovi benda to zamisljali.Posle izlaska spota
za pesmu "LIL' ANN" nesuglasice sa izdavacem postaju sve vece i
tada dolazi do konacnog razlaza i raskida ugovora.
Iste godine bend nastupa ponovo na internacionalnom festivalu "EXIT02". Veliku pomoc i podrsku oko promocije benda i albuma je dao "Kiza"(Batman)koji im je odradio spot za pesmu "MY SORROW"
bez ikakve nadoknade.Uprvoj polovini 2003 bend napušta Aref a na
njegovo mesto dolazi Misa (Tea break).Sa novim clanom bend nastupa na niz uspešnih koncerata kao sto su
Beerfest, NS koncer godine ,i niz samostalnih koncerata po Srbiji.
U oktobru 2003 snimaju 6 novih pesama za EP koje izdaju pod nazivom ''October'' juna 2004.Posle jos jednog obilaska Srbije(gde god je to bilo moguce)kao i Exit04
i Exit05 bend svira svoju (za sada)poslednju svirku u Domu Omladine
u maju 2006 godine.Clanovi benda su se upustili u nove muzicke pravce
i za sada nema planova kada ce se okupiti...
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