Oktoberfist fistival |
Dosao i prosao Oktoberfist FIstival. Mozda je bilo malo prohladno u Novom Sadu i mozda sam pocetak nije obecavao toliko (ljudi su poceli da pristizu u masi tek kad je koncert vec poceo) ali je na kraj... Posted by Unison on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:24:00 PST |
rumors rumors |
There are some moronic rumors flying around, saying that some members of Unison went looking for hookers after the show in Skopje, Macedonia last year. It's insulting, it's certainly not true, it's to... Posted by Unison on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:53:00 PST |
Unison "the sum" 2006...but not the record |
Ok, it's been ages since we wrote anything new or interesting, but i feel the need to summarize (fuck it, i hope that's the word) this year. As we've learned to expect, this year has been a mixed bag ... Posted by Unison on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 11:03:00 PST |
10'' news update... |
reportedly, the master CD has been sent to the printers, so i hope we will have the 10'' out by the end of July. also, the song for the ''Brand New Place'' records compilation ''No One Dies Alone 2'' ... Posted by Unison on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 04:49:00 PST |
news? news! |
OK...not so new, but anyway. the new stuff will be out under the name "The Sum" and the CD version put out by HaKo Bastards will be out for our show with ANNIHILATION TIME, SHINING, RED UNION on 10th ... Posted by Unison on Sat, 06 May 2006 05:02:00 PST |
Show in Skopje |
Back with some impressions from the Skopje show. First off i want to thank everyone involved in the organization of the show, and anyone that came to the show. Some name-dropping is neces... Posted by Unison on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 04:00:00 PST |
new 9 songs + some new shows... |
OK, we finished our new 9-song material, and it should be out in near future both on HaKo Bastards as a CD and on Rimbaud Records on 12" LP. As i said earlier, it was recorded in Socijala Studios,&nbs... Posted by Unison on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 01:22:00 PST |
Asschapel koncert |
govorim u svoje ime, mada mislim da i ostali u bendu dele donekle moje misljenje... uglavnom, cekanje se zaista i vise nego isplatilo, ko nije dosao sto se mene tice propustio je cert jednog od boljih... Posted by Unison on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:35:00 PST |
nova godina |
ok, nova godina, sve manje smisla u proslavama (doduse, onaj deo sa hranom picem i drogom ima mozda i previse smisla u mom slucaju)...
bilo kako bilo, svima vama koji citate ove "izlive" i slicno i ko... Posted by Unison on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 12:09:00 PST |
koncert u Domu, 26.XI |
kratak komentar - meni je bilo zilion puta bolje nego nedelju dana ranije. atmosfera mi je nekako bila bolja, mada je sto se tice reakcije publike bila mirnija *ako ikako moze da bude mirnije od one p... Posted by Unison on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 06:09:00 PST |