Before we tell you how great we are, let’s get one thing straight. This is a band, dumb dogs who bark at the back door waiting to be let out. But while we’re here, before someone opens the door, we like to make our barking as creative as possible, to make music. The music doesn’t come from our guitars, it travels to the guitars from somewhere else, it travels from somewhere inside us, somewhere in the human psyche and makes its way to the guitars, drums and voices, then from the instruments it continues its journey to your ears, and from your ears it heads down into your psyche. Connection! That’s what music is. So before all that what were we saying? Oh yeah, how great we are. So here we go, blurb, blurb blurb blurb! And what’s more blah blah blah, So to summarise, we are quite good at ballyhooing, hoopla and hullabalooing OK? Paul writes the songs, but it’s not a singer/songwriter thing, it’s a band. Ross Lander plays bass, Emily Harding has been playing drums lately.
.Radio and TV Single: "Too Many Things To Worry About"Too Many Things To Worry About
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