My name is Leonard, or "Unko Len" I lived in Hawaii off and on from 1987 to 1999. I developed an appreciation of Hawaiian and Tahitian dance after seeing a few shows. After that I often would go out of my way to see these groups perform. I first seen Tahitian dance at the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu.
In Las Vegas I got to know several Tahitian Dance troupes, and I loved it. It's exciting sexy, and very beautiful. Now I live in Utah and I assist the Organization Fano Maohi. Who put’s on a very exciting and growing Tahitian and Tongan Dance Competition every year.
The country of Tahiti which is considered by many as one of the most beautiful and exciting tourist destination on earth, would like our help promoting its tourism.
The organization Fano Maohi has a Myspace page that I originally created and promoted, however they are running that now, and as a single guy my appreciation for the beauty of the ladies is a bit more then the other committee members since they are either female or married.
This page will focus on the beauty of the dancers and beauty of the country of Tahiti
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