About Me
Hi there, welcome. I am John, many call me Dunce. You should be in my space, you should be in my life. I live in south Oxfordshire, which is nice. For the last three years I was living in Hatfield, a town which often reminded me of a batty crease. University is over now, though, and I have a degree in Music: Composition & Technology. Get in.
I'm half Cornish, half brummy, and I was born in Holland. I've learned most of what I know from other people, and various forms of media. I don't really do that much, I'm usually playing music. I like to play ping pong when I can. I enjoy the occasional game of pooface too, and I try to read the Bible as much as possible.
I am quite easily amused, and 'have a laugh' with many folk. A few people take me seriously, which is also good because then we can have deep conversations about major stuff, like love and death and that. This is how it is, and this is how it goes, so keep reading.
"What's the world coming to?" I hear a lot of people say these days. Well, the situation in the middle east hasn't really come as too much of a surprise to those who read the Bible. These are the signs of the times, more prophecies are coming true, you might say. God's chosen nation is under attack! Who'd have thought it? I'm a Christadelphian, something like a Christian, but there are big differences. It literally translates as brother in Christ. Many years ago, as you may or may not know, Jesus Christ, the only son of God, died and was raised to life again so that anyone who believes in him and lives their life for him may have their sins forgiven and receive God's gift of eternal life. By being baptised into the name of Jesus, I have accepted that the only way I can be saved from destruction is by God's grace, and so I try to live a life that reflects the love of God. I know that for a lot of people, this can be hard to understand. I'm not entirely sure why, maybe it takes time. Maybe some people are just too proud to accept it. I know the many mistakes I make will all be forgiven as long as I repent and confess them to God. "For there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ" Romans 8:1.
You can't earn eternal life by doing good things, but you can inherit it by choosing to be one of God's children, and accepting that He has already done everything for you. I often abuse the privilege of being in this state of grace, but forgiveness always comes after repentance. This gift isn't just for me, Jesus died so that anyone who believes in him can be saved. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16.
No one's asking you to do anything outrageous. There isn't a sin too big to be forgiven. Jesus will come back to the earth, the dead will be raised, and we will all be judged - get ready.
Ok, so many Christian churches make a religion to suit their way of life, and think their own traditions are what is most important, the Christadelphian church basically bases its beliefs entirely on the Bible. It is, after all, the word of God.
"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16.
I'm not saying Christadelphians know it all, and have the most true understanding God's message, but what's most important is the relationship you have with God. You may have heard about Christian beliefs and thought they sound pretty stupid. On many occasions you'd be right. Ideas like God being a trinity, the devil being a physical being, the souls of good people rising to heaven when they die, baptism being for small children who obviously aren't making the decision themselves, priests being homosexual, and others. These ideas are not Biblical, they are not true. Feel free to find me a Biblical passage that suggests otherwise.
It's become pretty cool to mock the Bible, calling God's word a myth and using ideas like evolution to explain our existence. Most people who have told me they believe in evolution actually have no idea what the theory involves. The evidence doesn't add up, think about it. The world just came about by chance? A cell just magically reproduced and eventually there were humans? Survival of the fittest! Do you know how foolish that sounds? Pretty foolish. People would even rather believe a story like the Da Vinci Code than the truth. It's funny in a way, not a nice way though. There is definitely enough evidence in the world today to back up the words written in the Bible. Everything fits so perfectly, many of the prophecies have already come true. It's a shame that a lot of people, including Christians, don't have/find the time to read it.
I'm not a big fan of lust, wasters, posers, unnecessary jewellery, unnecessary verbal abuse, foul mouthed people in general, people who think it's all about this life and doing well in it, people who reject God's gift because they think they can solve all their problems themselves. "In the last days before Christ returns, people will mock the truth and follow their own sinful desires" 2 Peter 3:3.
I have probably been/done many of these things in the past, so like the rest of the world, I'm a bit of a hypocrite at times. Let's face it, we all sin, we all need saving. Thanks for your time. "If my aim was to please human beings, I would not be a follower of Christ" Galatians 1:10.