cats and cats and cats profile picture

cats and cats and cats

Where did you get lost to?

About Me

The door opened and in stepped the guards. They poured four cups of a shiny liquid that smelt a bit like sugar. No one noticed that outside under a tree sat a girl, with no hair and strange eyes. She sang about a ship that sailed to the other side of the sea where the sand and grass were everywhere. They covered up the buildings and swallowed the people, who didn't mind at all. She imagines she sits outside a sunken church with a boy who sings a song about the little clouds that sometimes cry bits of rain on them. The smallest cloud of all is called Bo and she can travel faster than the big sleepy clouds who sometimes get angry with her and strike lighting. So the girl and boy have to hide in the sand until the sleepy clouds forget about it and go back home.


Split Album with This Town Needs Guns

(Sept 07)



More info


"Enigmatic experimentation and sumptuous layering" 8/10 ROCKSOUND
"An EP of unmitigated brilliance. Just buy it" NME
"The musical culmination of everything good you can say about Mew and Arcade Fire" 9/10 DrownedinSound
1) cats and cats and cats - brilliant the brilli ant
2) cats and cats and cats - anchoress
3) cats and cats and cats - sweet drunk everyone
4) cats and cats and cats - tower tower
5) this town needs guns - 26 is dancier than 4
6) this town needs guns - if i sit still, i might get out of here
7) this town needs guns - 1470 man
8) this town needs guns - it's not true rufus, don't listen to the hat

My Interests


Member Since: 5/24/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Ben (Vocals, Guitar)
Doug (Drums)
Tom (Bass, Backing vocals)
Adam (Synths, Guitar)
Eve (Violin)
plus sometimes John (Trumpet)

Influences: Monto believo, the christopher christopher, crow vs. the coma vs. cuts and cuts and cuts, peroid drama piranha, period drama piranha 2, hey mister!, telephone ben, eye ham best, st. stalingrad, allow, Terry Wigan, loop this, rupert the beer, the bee's knives, brilliant the brilli ant, tones a plenty, the times new romans, Kashmir.

Love for You'll never make it home:
"They've managed to condense what feels like an 8 minute masterpiece into half that time without losing any of its edge or intensity" funfunfun!

Love for Sweet drunk everyone:
"A band clearly forging their own path, regardless of scenes or trends. Intense, melodic, out-there. Praise worthy indeed. Excellent work" 4/5 Playmusic Magazine March 2007
"An album many bands could only dream of making" In it for the money zine
"Sweet, sweet uplifting music" Organ Magazine's Album of the week review
"a listen that will burst your capillaries, such is the excitement generated by this five piece" 9/10
"sure to be raved as a classic of its kind for years to come"
"It’s the polar opposite of pub-rock. Stop/start half-melodies are scattered liberally throughout the album, each song sounds like a dozen, one idea starts to make sense, before seemingly at random transforming into the next in a split second." 7/10 Neu Magazine
"This is music from another dimension, this is music that defies categorisation." The Devil Has The Best Tuna review
"This is an impressive release that deserves to be heard by as many people as possible. The boys have done good and deserve everything that comes to them." 7/10 Die Shellsuit, Die! webzine
"This is truly fresh, truly exhilerating, brain-stonking, mind-blowing music" Jack Argles (Head of Music)
"If you want angular indie rock with an emo-hardcore slant AND lengthy instrumental passages then I can’t imagine it being done better than this" The silent

Love for Victorialand:
"High quality, quirky songs with inspired lyrics and unbounded ideas" 83% Spill magazine
"These lot are definitely ones to watch" 8/10
"Brutally dynamic and beautifully schizophrenic meanderings masquerading as songs" 4.5/5 This is fake
"Cats and Cats and Cats, not Cats and Cats, or Cats and Cats and Cats and Cats....I quite like this actually!!" Rhythm Magazine

Love for cats:
"Gorgeous in a ferocious kind of way" Steve Lamacq Radio 1
"Perhaps a bit too much N64" Control Yourself webzine
"recalling everyone from cursive to explosions in the sky, but better" chris pratt is
"A Mew that likes flowers and girls in red dresses and stuff"
"Best unsigned band of 2005"
5th in pop art's first ever chart
"Glittering start stop melodies" Half a pigeon zine
"One of the coolest and most beautiful indie bands in the UK " Jairus
"pricks and pricks and pricks" Another story
"You could even say they were bordering on Purr-fection" sigh Nue
"You will have included/understood it, the music of cats and cats and cats, although it can be compared with that of many of other formations, misses neither of qualities nor of potential"
"Unmitigated wank" Cambridge's poetry contest winner 2005
Record Label: Big Scary Monsters, Natural History Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hello Superted Just a quick update to let you firecrackers know what the crud we're up to on Mount Feline. It may look like we've shunned the UK with regards to gigs, we in fact had 3 gigs in this gre...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 07:54:00 PST

New Gear!

Hello Cat fans.We have new merchandise for you!New T-shirts in a selection of wonderful colours and sizes, as well as bags.All merchandise will be available on our upcoming tour with Itch, and soon he...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:39:00 PST

Last batch of the 1000 Ltd Edition Sweet Drunk Everyone for a fiver!

Hey everyone.We're starting to save up to record our first 'proper' album next Summer (more exciting info on this soon..). So we've decided to reduce our last CD 'Sweet Drunk Everyone' to £5 including...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:30:00 PST

Tour? Thanks

Hello skaterswe're back from our tour and just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the people who helped us out with everything! mostly:This Town Needs Guns (ace lightning band and lovely boys!)Dunc...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 03:26:00 PST

Vincent Van Gothic and the Tale of Fifteen Cities

Hej, hello, welcome, here's some newsage:We returned triumphant from Denmark a few weeks back after spending 5 sunny, vegan days with those northern louts 'Itch'. Imagine being forced to spend so much...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 09:03:00 PST

Recording begins! Then ends. Then begins again!

Hello barnacles We got our lazy heads together for one weekend and recorded the bare bones of a new shipwreck. We did all the live instruments (drums/bass/guitar/guitar) for the four new bricks being:...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Tue, 22 May 2007 03:43:00 PST

Broken throats recording blog day 1

Cats' broken throats recording blog day 1: Got up at some deceptively early time of 5am. It was like going on holiday with your parents when you're a kid only instead of being driven to a fe...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:03:00 PST

Big Massive Scary Cats in This Town

Sup homeys!As Ben might say, when pretending to be a female flight attendant in short film 'Mud, Nudity and Jamie'; "IT'S A GOOD DAY!"We're ultra happy to announce that we've joined the marvelous BIG ...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 03:58:00 PST

We polish the shining bubble of the future

Be my welcoming handshake into the cult of awesome communication We're doing three gigs in a row with the heavyweights of the super good music gang; yup 65 days of static and Youthmovie soundtrack str...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:53:00 PST


tracklisting:1) cats and cats and cats 'you'll never make it home'2) tired irie 'for those who swung hips'out Jan 29th on CD and 7 inch vinyl,available on myspace or or Rough Tra...
Posted by cats and cats and cats on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:36:00 PST