Hope you can make it!
RE:son’s latest work DIEsected provides his listeners with the same intense level of creativity as his past works while still delivering new concepts to the auditor. With his realistic yet peculiar way of seeing life, he shares his experiences, emotions and frustrations in such a way that it will resonates with those who listen to his music. The new album digs deep into thecore of his being and explores different facets of his life, whether past or present, to give a genuine mental picture of himself. RE:son can have an audience waving their hands in the air as well as he can leave the audience reflecting their every thought and action with his insightful lyrics.
Living in a society dominated by indifference RE:son brings something different into the lives of those who are willing to hear.
10 re:sons to pick up the album!
10. If you paid 1 dollar per track, you would be getting one for free!
9. You have a party to go to and need a great gift!
8. Your iPod needs more songs.
7. I might blow up and then it will cost $15.99 at Tower Records
6. You just got paid and this is your impulse buy!
5. Continue adding to your hip hop cd collection.
4. When you come to the shows you will know all the lyrics and can rap along!
3. I WILL send you some bonus tracks on-line and a mixtape (when it’s done) for free!
2. You wanna support intelligent hip - hop music.
1. The music will make you feel good!
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