Myspace Layouts at / Whispering butterfly fairies
Myspace Layouts at / Whispering butterfly fairies
I am a 41 yr. old sensitive,empathic female.I say more empathic then sensitive.I have been offected deeply by other's and their feelings all my life.I worry all the time about everything in life,and everyone in my life,was born with it;just who I am i guess.I also have a gift for senceing things about house's and some locations,As a child I could see impresstions around a home and in it.Also for some reason I have had experence's with past pet's and animals.When I was young I did not like these gifts but as I have gotten older and learned more about the paranormal I am learning to use these to help others.
MySpace Comments
People that are nice and caring.People I have something in common with.Friend's from on line and Paranormal Comm.:Steven LaChance,Kenneth Deel,Sona of GEOISL,Jason and Grant,Steve G.,Keith Age,John Zaffis,that just a few of many.I would like to meet Lew and his wife from Jason's,Doc and his wife from,Mad.Star.Friend's Tamera from the Netherlands,Clare from the UK,and a few other's I know I missed.Star's I'd like to meet are: Jennifer Hewitt,Lisa Willam's,Brad Pitt,Shawn Connery,Angilena Jo Lee and many more!HA-Ha-Ha like that is going to happen!
Free and Magickal Graphics by Welcome to my Wiccan friends!!
I like many different types of music.Country,pop,blue grass,gospel.And I also love light music like Celtic women and stuff like that to relax me and for meditation.
MySpace Comments
I like may different type's of movies.Crying movie's like:Fried green tomato's,Steel Magnolia's,and many older movie's like:Casablanca,West side story,Romantice movie's like:The boat House,Sleepless in Seattle,and stuff like that.I like movie's with beatuiful seanery and animals in them:The horse wisperer,homward bound,snow dog's,move's like that.Some action stuff like Mr.&Mrs. Smith,The Matrix,Independence Day,The Last Samurai, isson,stuff like that.Other's are:Jurassic Park,Interview with a Vanpire,The Hobbit,The Covenant This is the sign for a Empath,Empath coming out day is Nov.11th.
I like Ghost Hunters,Destination truth,Cash to treashers-about diggen for GemStones all over the world.Feed's the love I have for the Paranormal and Crystals.I watch alot on SyFi.I like Lisa William's Life amoung the Dead,when it is on.I like to watch anything true Story or about real Stuff and place's in the world.Underground Citys is neet! CURRENT MOON lunar phases
I like Kathlean Widiwess Books: She passed away but wrote Southern Historical Romance fiction.I have every book she ever wrote but the last one and I will git it!I like Scott Cummings writings on Herbel magic and many of his other writings.Dean Kuntzs,Norah Roberts-Para. fiction Novels,I am starting to get into Ghost Storys and subject's about Paranormal stuff,Miths and Ledgents,ext.(real Life Stuff)Stuff about Crystals and Crystal healing.
The frist of many herioes for me is my cousoned Beatrice,who I was named after.She drowened at 11yr's old trying to save another little girl's life from drowning,when no one else in the crowed would.The undercurrent was to strong and they both lost their lifes.2nd was my father,who with only a 8th grade education,rised above it all to be a very smart man with a good job as a shop formen making dubble Cab trucks and semi-sleepers.He also was the best bodyman I ever know,qwning his own bisness at one point.He payed child support on 6 other kids and never complained and also heled take care of me and my Mother.He Adopted me at 6 yrs. old and was a wonderful father to the end and beyond.3rd. my Mother who took care of me and my father without any care for herself and her health.She was a good wife,Mother and Grandmother.A hard worker,who showed me many leasons in life.4th my Hubby for given me 100% of himself from the very begining.He has showed me how to spread my wings and fly and what devotion truely is.5th is my DaughterWho at the tender age of 15 became a Mother and a wife to a very nice young man and took the responsibilty of it and ran with it.She is now 20 yrs. old and a Strong,Honest almost to a fault and everything I want to be when I grow up!ha-ha It's an honor to have her as my baby girl.Other's are anyone who help's others,policeman and fireman and our beloved soligers.