We are a professional team of down-to-earth and respectful people who understand your special needs from a group like NorCal Paranormal Investigators Inc. Despite the expenses incurred during investigating a haunting. NPI does not charge for investigative services, however donations are appreciatively accepted.
We invite you to take a look inside NorCal Paranormal Investigators web-site. www.norcalghosthunters.com and get to know a little about who we are and what we're about. One thing you will find is we are not like most of the other 'Ghost Hunters' out there. We are a professional group of dedicated individuals who have come together to form NPI. Each one of our original members have experienced personal encounters with the paranormal or unknown. We have also experienced hands-on investigations for others who have found themselves face to face with the unknown or a haunting.First and foremost "We're here to help" you and your loved one. We understand your fears and concerns that you have, as we have also experienced what you are going through. We too feel it's our obligation to help guide those in the after-life who are confused and lost their way. After all "Ghost were people too".
NPI conducts investigations for our clients at private residences, clients place of business/buildings, cemetery's, etc. Typical paranormal investigations are a lot like police detective work. A lot of information collection, interviews, steak-outs and long hours of waiting for something to happen. "90% boredom 10% adrenaline".http://www.projectplaylist.com/playlist/additem/ 449188
Not every investigation ends up with evidence of
paranormal activity's. Other investigations have been
de-bunked as not being paranormal at all. What was
first though a haunting, in fact turned out to be
something natural or man made. NPI will do our best to
unearth the truth and get to the bottom of things.
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If you feel you may be a victim from a troubled or restless ghost, spirit or entity(s) and would like our help, check out our web-site www.norcalghosthunters.com
.. Cool Slideshows
.. Join NPI founders Doug & Shane on the radio Sunday evenings 6pm - 7pm on "NorCal Ghost Talk" Talking about Ghost, Spirits & Hauntings. "We're here to help" Call in with questions or comments at 718-508-9724 or IM your questions to norcalghosthunters via Yahoo...