Very wide interests, except economics. Can't do it and don't want to talk about it. Unless I win the Lotto which is soon, very soon. Ha ha ha ha I enjoy paintballing, canoeing, jetsking, hiking, reading, writing, snow mobiling, Skiing meeting new folks.
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Anyone who cares to talk and has the ability to think against the current. People who respect others points of view and are willing to listen to those that may see things from another perspective with out trying to railroad their own personal beliefs over the top of others.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE
Classical, pop, new age, everything really except Heavy rock. I can't tolerate that deep vocal violation of language. Sorry, just my own opinion.
Comedy, not the mundane stuff, but real comedy. Supernatural horror, however its been hard to find a good one these days. A lot of recycling going on. World War movies, Enemy at the Gate, The Bunker, Das Boot. Very interesting in deed.Oh and I can't help but mention the Star Trek Movies.
Will and Grace, Karon was a hoot. 24, Lost, Heroes, Dr Who, Star Trek, Prison Break, Battlestar Galactica (The New One) on Sci Fi, Room 401, real funny and unusally disturbing at the sametime. Family guy,
Anything from JOHN A KEEL Rocks, The Dark Sacrament, Dion Fortune's books, Robert A Monroe's work.
My Father and JOHN A KEEL