profile picture

^v^ We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret.

About Me

"The essence of every missionary message has always been to assimilate the taught to the teacher, and it has always been accompanied by bribes and threats. My message is exactly opposed to any of this. I say to each man and woman, you are unique and sovereign, the center of a universe. However right I may be in thinking as I do, you may be equally right in thinking otherwise. You can only accomplish your object in life by complete disregard of the opinions of other people"....Aleister Crowley
Greetings Dear Ones,
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste. For those of you who do not know me personally I'm MerlinRavenSong. I'm a Traditional Witch and Dark Neo Pagan. I'm a member of several well known occult organizations some of which are known while others remain private. I'm a First Degree Witch within my coven *The Circle of Wondrous Stories* and I'm currently working on my second degree.
I'm what some refer to as one of the cunning folk a Warlock (Male Witch). I'm a conjurer, summoner of spirits, a sorcerer and the protector of his people. The Norse, called us the Varðlokkur, the singer of spirits which really seems fitting since I'm a musician. The Scots, referred to us as the Warlord priest, the heretical enchanter who adhered to his own code and to no one else's. Do what thy wilt is what I stand behind. I'm the Master of my own reality and if I wanted to follow the dictates of others I would go join a church.
I run an occult student organization on the campus of Wayne State University called Full Moon Circle. We are Michigan's longest running occult student organization. FMC has been around for over 13 years and we're not going anywhere soon. FMC is not limited to just Wayne State University we have many members from around the globe. If you are interested in becoming a member or just joining us in one of our many rituals feel free to contact me here for details regarding our meetings an on how to apply for active membership.
Wayne State University's FULL MOON CIRCLE is a student organization that focuses on informing the community about the truth behind modern Witchcraft, Paganism and the Occult within society today. As a discussion group we concentrate on educating ourselves along with others in the study of magick and modern Witchcraft with all of its different aspects. We operate much like an open forum where all are invited to share ideas concerning various topics covered during our weekly meetings.
As a student organization, we feel it's our duty to share our diverse philosophies with others and to hopefully dispel many of the lies that has been told about us through awareness, education and diligence. We aim to establish a vocal network here at Wayne State University which will focus on growth and progress within the student body and add yet another valuable piece of culture to this richly diverse community.
Full Moon Circle is dedicated to dispelling the many lies that have been told about us throughout the ages. We do this by networking using LETTERS, FAXES, PHONE CALLS, and E-MAILS to aid us in our efforts. For those of you who wish to join us E-mail me and I'll put you on FMC's E-mail list as a member.
Please note that Full Moon Circle is not a dogmatic FLUFFY BUNNY, WHITE LIGHT, NEW AGE organization that attempts to PLEASE those who at one time burnt Witches, Magicians, Freethinkers, Shape-shifters, Feminists, Atheists and Homosexuals (to name a few) at the stake. This is NOT what we are all about because our very nature is to be POLITICALLY INCORRECT. We are Pre-Gardenian and have a more traditional approach to our philosophy.
Please also note that we are fully aware of the fact that since so many people have a warped idea about Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism that we will at times attract people who do not agree with our religion or our philosophy. This is why we firmly believe in the *Stratification Pyramid*. Cream always rises to the top and bullsh*t always sinks to the bottom it's a simple and basic law of nature. This is nature's way of separating excellence from mediocrity and the sheep from the goats. Usually when these individuals come to our meetings with hidden agendas they soon find out that they're doing nothing more than wasting my time and theirs and if they do not leave by their own accord they will be asked to leave.
We also do not tolerate rudeness during our meetings from white-lighters or fundamentalists of any kind. These people still cling to the superstitions of the past which we view as irrelevant, sanctimonious gobley gook. If they attempt to crash our meetings and disrupt it they will be shown the door. FMC makes NO apologies for our religious beliefs. We feel that there are far too many people out there who claim to be Witches (or Neo-Pagans) and still cling to their Xian world view, which goes against the laws of nature, which we follow. Unlike others we embrace the legendary Green Faced Halloween Witch the same way Shawn Poirier (R.I.P) and our friends in Salem do; and as a symbol of our individuality and uniqueness we proudly place our alters in THE WEST in defiance of the white lighters who still fear the dark and sleep with the light on. Our motto comes from Crowley, which says: "Do what thy wilt shall be the whole of the law".
WITCHCRAFT IS A SPICY RELIGION with as many pathways as there are stars in the heavens. It should NOT be taught in a way that's watered down to make it more acceptable to people who call themselves witches but are still Xian and follow the right hand path. Witchcraft by nature is a mystery religion and NOT a subset of the new age movement, which tends to dumb down eastern philosophy in hopes that it will be more appealing to westerners.
FULL MOON CIRCLE looks forward to working with similar student groups from other universities. We are always looking to create a flourishing network of support, information and assistance to those who share our interest in magick and the occult. For more information on networking feel free to contact us anytime.
Full Moon Circle meetings during the Winter 2007 semester will be held on Wednesdays starting the first week of classes and will last until the end of the semester. Our meetings will be from 11:30 to 1:00 in room 281 of The Student Center Building. For those of you who are interested in attending our weekly meetings we ask that you bookmark this page and refer back to it often. Additional information regarding Full Moon Circle meetings will be announced on our Yahoo Group 'Call of the Blackfooted Crow'. Feel free to send me a request to join our yahoo group. We also have a private group on MySpace which also offers additional information regarding our meetings and services. For those of you who wish to join this private list contact me here at MySpace, ( and I will consider adding you on. FMC looks forward to seeing each and every one of you during the Winter 2008 semester at WSU.
For those of you who prefer contacting Full Moon Circle by snail mail, we can be reached at this address: FULL MOON CIRCLE, 5221 Gullen Mall Room 50, Box 46, Detroit Michigan 48202
Subcribe to Full Moon Circle
"It's all true, God's an Astronaut Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Full Moon Circle is were the Witches dance."-MerlinRavenSong )0+
Tarot Readings
If your interested in having a private tarot reading done by me feel free to contact me so that we can make an appointment. I've been reading the tarot within the metropolitan Detroit area for over 15 years. I have a variety of tarot cards that I use which includes The Universal Waite, The Tarot of the Cat People, The Tarot of the Witches, The Witches Tarot, and The Daughters of the Moon deck. I even read from The Mage: The Ascension Deck, The Gigers Baphomet Tarot and the Vampire Tarot for all my Goth cliental that wish to have a non traditional reading done.I specialize in past present and future events during your reading. My tarot readings are designed to focus on each persons individual needs and will serve to give them accurate information about all areas of there life's which includes love, money, career, family, and relationships etc.
As a Tarot Reader my readings are ethical, empathic, knowledgeable and highly intuitive. When I do your reading I will listen to your concerns and address them fairly and honestly. I will offer insights and suggestions that will be relevant and helpful to what ever situation your in. Your reading will center on you, and your own path and we will discover all the possibilities that the universe has made available to you. Together we will identify areas of focus and concentrate on answers to life's most pressing problems. My cards will serve as a tool to help guide you in your personal and spiritual development, they will point you in the appropriate direction so that you will gain control and be the commander and chief of your life.
I believe we all have the free will to go out and change our lives and to reach ALL of our goals. My reading will aid you in understanding yourself and will also offer ways to teach you how to connect with your own inner psychic powers. If your interested in having a reading done contact me here for more information.
Full Moon Circle
Musical Bio
Like so many other rock guitar players I started playing guitar seriously when I first heard Jimi Hendrix. He was the guy who really opened the world of guitar music for me. At first I was like any other wannabe guitar hero. I started listing to the blues masters like Buddy Guy, Robert Johnson, Eric Clapton etc. I soon began to listen to Jazz. Wes Montgomery was the first jazz guitar player I listened to. When I attended collage at HFCC my Jazz Improvisation teacher turned me on to the great instrumentalists like Charlie Parker, John Coltrain and Miles. They weren't guitar players but they had a profound effect on how I approached music.
I started to listen to neo classical guitar music of Yngwie Malmsteen and Vinnie Moore during the 80's. It was through them that I started to listen to J.S Bach and Paganini. I later became interested in the 20th Century classical composers like Bartok, and Stravinski.
I'm a huge fan of George Clinton Parliament/Funkadelic, Bootsy's Rubber Band, The Brides of Funkenstien, Parlet, Zapp, (etc) and have been all my life. If your a member of The P-Funk Family please feel free to send me a friend request. I'm always interested in meeting anyone connected with The Funk Mob.
Guitar Lessons
If you've been looking for a place to take guitar lessons then you've arrived at the right place. I teach progressive Rock and Jazz Fusion. I have an Associates Degree in Music from Henry Ford Community College, where I studied Jazz and Classical Guitar with John Hall and Jazz improvisation with legendary Jazz great Ed Nucelli. I'm currently pursuing a degree in Classical Guitar Performance at Wayne State University.
My musical influences are Vinnie Moore, Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, Jimi Hendrix, Yngwie Malmsteen, Wes Mountgomery, Richie Blackmore, Al Di Meola, Joe Satriani, Paco De Lucia, and Eddie Hazel. My Classical influences are John Williams, Christopher Parkening, Julian Bream, Scott Tennant and Andres Segovia
Over the years I've studied with some of Michigan's best Jazz & Classical Guitar Players. They include Lee Dyament (WSU), Brian Roberts (WSU) John Hall (HFCC) Michael Bryce (UMD) Steve Carrier (WSU). I have also given concerts at the Southfield Public Library and The Under Graduate Library at Wayne State University. I often perform when there is a meeting of the Classical Guitar Society of Michigan on the 3rd tuesday of every month.
Feel free to contact me here at MySpace regarding guitar lessons. If you're on the campus of Wayne State University and wish to leave a message regarding lessons I can be reached at box 46 in the Student Services Office located in the basement of the student center building. Please keep in mind that guitar lessons are to be made in advance so you must make an appointment a week ahead of time.
For those of you who are in the Lincoln Park area I teach guitar at A&R music on mondays from 4:30 to 7:30. If you're interested in taking guitar lessons you can e-mail me or schedule a lesson at the store. Lessons are cheaper if you take them through A&R. If this is a better option you can contact the store and ask about their prices, they can be reached at this address:
I'm always interested in meeting people of like mind. If you think I have something in common with you send me an add request, I'd love to hear from you. If your a fundamentalist Xian goof-ball please do not contact me because if you do I will not respond to your messages and will block you. I don't need jesus to achieve eternal life VAMPIRES live forever and are their own MASTERS and redeemers.
The Tenth Enochian key
"The thunders of wrath doth slumber in the North, in the likeness of an oak whose branches are dung-filled nests of lamentation and weeping laid up for the Earth, which burn night and day and vomit out the heads of scorpions and live sulphur mingled with poison. These be the thunders that in an instant roar with a hundred mighty earthquakes and a thousand as many surges, which rest not, nor know any time here. One rock bringeth forth a thousand, even as the heart of man doth his thoughts. Woe! Woe!, Yea!, woe be to the Earth, for her iniquity is, was, and shall be great. Come away! But not your mighty sounds!"
Blessed is a man who has a sprinkling of enemies, for they shall make him a hero.
So mote it be: MerlinRavenSong )0(
Web-Masters feel free to place our banner on your page if you want to help support our organization and spread the word.
Join Full Moon Circle's Yahoo Group Call of The Blackfooted Crow
Click to join blackfootedcrow
The Misfit of Avalon (My Personal MySpace Page)
Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us" -The Addams Family Motto

My Interests

My Personal Interests
Traditional Witchcraft, The Occult, Vampires, UFO's, Classical Guitar, Jazz Guitar, Magick, Giants and Giantess, Casting Spells, Tarot Cards, Shrinking woman to the size of Barbie Dolls, Collecting rare out of print occult books, Hunted Houses, Genetics, Artificial Human Companions, Cloning, Age Reduction, Preserving Life After Death, Mummification , Chasing Girls, Pissing off the White Lighters, The Human Growth Hormone, Sex Magick, Capturing Bigfoot, Alien Sex, Tall Amazon Woman Over Six Feet, Hunting Humans, Self-Deification

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks long into you.- Frederick Wilhelm Nietzsche

I'd like to meet:

I would Like to Meet: The 72 Goetic Daemons.

Who do I want to meet here on MySpace?
Those of you who embrace the Black Flame of personal deification, independent thought and acknowledge the obsidian sun within. Those of you who have the courage to embrace and become a living vessel of the Adversary. Those of you who want to LIVE FOREVER.
If we have similar interest in Music, Magick and The Occult send me an add request. If I feel we have something in common I'll add you on.
Full Moon Circle's MySpace Avatar Award
This award is given to MySpace Profiles that are are well made and in some way supports the magical community as a whole. The award is geared toward profiles that are of interest to Pagans, Witches, Magicians, Occultists, Freedom of Speech Advocates, Musicians etc. It is not limited to the Pagan community . If You would like to win this awards or know of a profile that deserves it send me a message.

People I'd like to meet on MySpace:
Wayne State University Students, Henry Ford Community Collage Students, Witches, Otherkin, Pagans, Occultists, Vampires, Werewolfs, Woman over 6 feet tall, Woman Under 4 feet tall who are 18 years of age or older, Ceremonial Magicians, Goths, OTO Members, Golden Dawn Members, People from Michigan, Shapeshifters, Lost Souls, Members of P-Funk, Alternative Models, Michigan Bands, Ghost Hunters, Amazon Woman, People who shop at Noir Leather in Royal Oak, Naughty Girls, Fetish Models, Classical Guitarists, Jazz Guitarists, Michigan Pagans, Giantesses, Extraterrestrials, Female Aliens, Dark Neo-Pagans, She Devils, Sexy Satanic Witches, People who shop at the Mayflower Bookstore in Royal Oak, WSU Music Students,Dominatrix , Woman with interesting tattoos and piercings, Woman who speak good French, Woman who French Kiss, Warlocks, Monsters, People who shop at Crazy Wisdon in Ann Arbor, Woman who appear on Fear Factor.
People I would love to meet one day
George Clinton, Alice Cooper, The Buddha, The Historical Jesus Christ, The Devil, God, Ed Wood Jr. Dr. Leo Louis Martello, Lady Sheba, Hermes Trismegistus, Heather Eve, Gerald Gardner, Alexander Sanders, John Dee, Malcolm X, Gundella, Aleister Crowley, King Diamond, Leonardo Da Vinci, Janet Farrar, H.P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker, Patrica Crowther, Janet & Steward Farrar, The Blair Witch, The Bell Witch, Doreen Valiente, Konstantinos, Rev. Leo Martello, Mircea Eliade, Charles Godfrey Leland, Margaret A Murray, Raymond Buckland, Z Budapest, Isaac Bonewits, St. Thomas Aquinas, Morning Glory and Otter Zell, Herman Slater, Jayne Mansfield, Kenneth Anger, Gwydion Pendderwen, KRS One, Chuck D, Nostradamus, Rosaleen Norton, Morgan Le Fay, Anton LaVey, Zeena LaVey, Karla LaVey, Medea, Sybil Leek, Dr Faust, The Winged Demon Pazuzu, Scott Cunningham, Patricia Crothers, Arnold Crowthers, Dorothy Clutterbuck, Yvonne Frost, Gavin Frost, Count Alessandro Cagliostro, Laurie Cabot, Francis Barrett, The Baba Yaga, Henry Cornelious Agrippa, Margot Adler, The Mad Arab, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Katherine Ramsland, Christopher Lee, Vincent Price, Anne Rice
I'm aways interested in meeting WSU students interested in The Craft )0(

Woman I would love to one day meet:
Vanity, Betty Page, Naomi Campbell, Grace Jones, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Julie Strain, Alicia Keys, Total Kelly, Mistress Chloe, Mile High Mikayla, Julie Brown, Halle Berry, Daryl Hanna, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Giantess Lilith, Jennifer Connelly, Lisa Bonet, Fay Wray, Heather Eve, Rose McGowan, Misty Mundae, Kim Manning, Dawn Silva, Adelita, Mommie Dearest, Syn Devil, Brigit the Midget, Cali Ford, Kelly Kole, Heather Hunter, Evil Mistress Lauren, Miss Panda, La Diabla Brianna, Alexis Skye, Penny Flame, Alexis Skye, TallKat, Amazon Amanda, Blythe, Anna Nicole Smith, Szandora LaVey, Amanda Langston, Zombie Girl, Goddess Katelyn, Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy), Allison Hayes, Yvette Vickers, Venus Satanas
If you want to keep up to date with what's happening with Full Moon Circle feel free to send me a request to join our MySpace group. This group is NOT open to the public so you will need to send me a request to join.
Full Moon Circle's Official MySpace Group
I also have a public MySpace group called MySpace Witches and Dark Neo Pagans. This group focuses on a variety of different subjects I'm interested in. Most of the topics will be taking from my many web blogs I have. We will be discussing everything from Magick and the Occult to current events. This group is open to the public so feel free to sign up.
MySpace Witches and Dark Neo Pagans
Those of you who wish to help support Full Moon Circle feel free to copy and distribute our flyer to help spread the word regarding our organization. We are Michigan's oldest and most respected student Occult organization in Michigan.
Full Moon Circle's 2007 Flyer
Merlin's Project Playlist Profile
This MySpace page along with all its contents is protected by the Goddess Kali

View my profile on PaganSpace.Net


Here's a list of some of my biggest musical influences
Music: George Clinton, Parliament Funkadelic, The P-Funk Bootsy Collins, KRS I, Blackmore's Night, Prince, King Diamond. Jimi Hendrix, Danzig, The Electric Hellfire Club, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osborne, Deep Purple,Zombie Girl, Miles Davis, Tiny Tim, Thin Lizzy, Rick James, Vanity 6, Vanity, The Time, Charley Parker, Metallica, Megadeath, Frank Zappa, Scott Joplin, Geroge Duke, Stanley Clark, Sly Stone, Ted Nugent, Ratt, Motley Crew, Jessica Simpson, Billy Idol, X, Henry Rollins, The Cramps, Sun Ra, Slayer, Richard Wagner, Jean Sibelius, Maurice Ravel, Carol Orff, Hector Berlioz,


Click the link below to view some of my favorite videos I've found on MySpace
My Favorite Videos on MySpace
Heres a list of some of my favorite movies
The Black Cat, Carnival of Souls, Curse of the Demon, Freaks, Metropolis, Nosferatu the Vampire, The Wicker Man, West World, Rosemary's Baby, Ringu, Bride of the Monster, Dr Strangelove, Rainbow Bridge, The Maxx, Dagon, Purple Rain, The Vampire Bat, King Kong, The Fury, Phantasm, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, The Crow, The Sea Wolf, Moby Dick, Contact, House of 1000 Corpses, Carrie, She Creature, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Freaks, Raw Head Rex, Sleepwalkers, Mysterious Island, The Three Words of Gulliver, Ed Wood, Curse of the Blair Witch, Bell Book and Candle, Ginger Snaps 1 2 and 3, Speak of the Devil, Satanis, Flesh Gordon, The Howling, Dark City, The Craft, Creepers, Blackula, The Cell, Dracula, Liquid Sky, The Ring, The Most Dangerous Game, To the Devil a Daughter, The Grudge, Bedazzled, Pumpkin Head, The Abominable Dr Phibes, Dr Phibes Rises Again, Blood Theater, Sugar & Spice, Jaw Breaker, Orgy of the Dead, The Devils Rain, Female Vampire, Carnival of Souls, The Hills have Eyes, The Last House on the Left, Hell House, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, The Mists of Avalon, Hellraiser 1&2, The Odyssey, The Exorcist 1&2, The Mighty Peckin Man, Godzilla, Attack of the 50 Foot Hooker, Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold, Flesh Gordon, I Married a Witch, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Heather Hunted, Suspiria,, Conan The Barbarian, Subspecies 1,2,3,4, Kinky Kong, Altered States,Dance with the Devil, Terror Toons, Heathers, Spawn, Strange Fruit, The Eye 1&2
Merlin's Favorite You-Tube Videos


The Outer Limits, Land of the Giants, Lost in Space, The Twilight Zone, Six Feet Under, The Ghoul, Sir Graves Ghastly, The Outer Limits, Tales from the Crypt, Creature Feature, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena Warrior Princess, Fear Factor, The Scene


Merlin's Library
Black Man of the Nile, Africa Mother of Western Civilization, Mastering Witchcraft, The Black Man's North and East Africa, The Myth of Exodus and Genesis and the Exclusion of Their African Origins, The Black Man's North and East Africa, Modern Magick, Maat Magick, The Virture of Selfishness, Revelations of the Dark Mother, Modern Sex Magick, Moon Child, Witchcraft the Old Religion, The Spiral Dance, Celebrate the Earth, The Golden Dawn, Magick without Tears, Message to the Black Man, Autobiography of Malcolm X, How to Eat to Live, The Miss-Education of the Negro, Magick Theory and Practice,The Power of Myth, Drawing Down the Moon, The Witches Bible, The Goth Bible, Missing Time, Communion, Witchcraft the Old Religion, The Selfish Gene, The Book of the Law, Progressive Witchcraft, The Power of the Witch, The Spiral Dance, The Crafting Art of Magick, Michigan Haunts and Hauntings, The Key of Solomon, Grimorium Verum, Grimoire of Honorius, Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine
Get your own damn clock!


Cherry Darling is my hero
My Many Heroes: Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, George Clinton, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Jimi Hendrix, Bootsy Collins, The Shawn Poirier, The Buddha, Rudolf Steiner, Godzilla, King Kong, Dracula, Christopher Lee, Moses, Nat Turner, Professer X, The Ghoul, Froggy, Sir Graves Ghastly, King Diamond, Caption Nemo, Magua, Oberon (My High Priest)Bela Lugosi, Geroge Carlin, Orson Welles, Gene Roddenberry,
Click the link below to visit our FMC's Offical Website
FULL MOON CIRCLE )0( Your guide to Traditional Witchcraft and the Occult on the campus of Wayne State University
Get MerlinRavenSong Merchandise at Cafe Press
READ: MerlinRavenSong's Xanga Blog
MerlinRavenSong @ Yahoo 360
*Call of the Black Footed Crow* FULL MOON CIRCLE'S YAHOO GROUP
Guitar Lessons
The Many Faces of MerlinRavenSong
Full Moon Circle MySpace Group
We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret.
We are the Real Talamasca: "We watch and we're always here, forever"-The Beast of WSU
The NecroBlogMicon

Carpe Noctum
View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
"Look out at the darkness, and you will see. Just call my name and I'll be there. You cannot touch me, you would not dare. I am the chill that's in the air."

My Blog

The Devils day off????

I had to post this video when I saw it on YouTube. First of all don't be fooled this video I'm sure is in no way connected to the real Church of Satan it's just a joke. These guys must have ...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:52:00 PST

05-14-08 Update

I'm sorry I haven't posted to this blog in awhile I've just been really busy. I want to thank those of you who attended Full Moon Circle this fall and winter I think we got a lot accomplished this sem...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 01:17:00 PST

Our last meeting for the semester

Full Moon Circle's last meeting for the Winter 2008 semester will be Wednesday April 23rd from 11:30 to 1:00 in the Student Center Building of WSU....
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:09:00 PST

How to Join The Sabbat

As most of you know by now me and a good friend of mine (Matt) run a message board called The Sabbat. I would like to have all of FMC’s key members join the board. We tend to attract quite a bit...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 07:13:00 PST

Ritual Wednesday

FYI I just wanted to let everyone know that FMC will be performing aritual tomorrow. The ritual we will be performing will be focused aroundthe coming of Spring. We ask that those of you who plan on a...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:12:00 PST

An Apology

For those of you who came to Full Moon Circle meeting today I would like to apologize for not being there. I totally got the days mixed up in my head this week. I will make it up to everyone next week...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST

Check out this video: Body Count - Murder 4 Hire

Check out this video: Body Count - Murder 4 Hire Add to My Profile | More VideosOne of my favorite Hard Core bands from back in the day is the band Body Count. As most of you know along wi...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:28:00 PST

Merlin is in the Detroit Free Press

As most of you know I teach guitar at A&R music in Lincoln ParkMichigan. The Detroit Free Press wrote an article on the store and I'min the paper. You can read the article online at the address below....
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:04:00 PST

No FMC Meeting Today

I just wanted to let everyone know that due to the fact that WSU is closed today FMC will not be meeting. Blessed Be: Merlin...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:39:00 PST

Convocation 2008

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be at Convocation 2008 all weekend long starting Thursday evening. I'm not sure if I'll be staying at the hotel but I do know that I may not have access ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:58:00 PST