EdWood Scissorhands profile picture

EdWood Scissorhands

"Don..t try this at home"

About Me

"Everything Begins In the Home, Including the Urge to Leave It"If you want to lose your faith, make friends with a priest. G. I. Gurdjieff (Quoted 1949)"Reality is a crutch for people who can..t handle drugs" GBS 1921Art; painting, collage, sculpture from driftwood, fallen branches.Not into rackin up numbers of ppl here. Substance over Quantity.This myspace thing kind of an art form. Everyone expressing themselves in words,pics & music. People the most interesting subject & the human face...the most fascinating landscape to paint.Enjoy a good quote (see shlog). ...""Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children" Apache ProverbI been in the blues all my life. I'm still delivering 'cause I got a long memory. Muddy Waters"These British boys wanna play the blues so bad and they play them ...so bad" Sonny Boy Williamson"The livings hard, the legends easy" Keef""The only way to deal w/temptation is yield to it" Oscar Wilde"Making money is the greatest art of all" Andy Warhol (Andy loved $$$$).. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
Name: EdWood
Birthday: a rainy Thursday
Birthplace: E 4th St.G. Village. It takes a Village baby
Current Location: chair
Eye Color: the dye stings
Hair Color: Downtown Brown
Height: yes
Right Handed or Left Handed: R
Your Heritage: Hedonism/Bacchanalia 226 B.C.
The Shoes You Wore Today: they wore me
Your Weakness: many
Your Fears: Bush outlaws the Blues, Seeing chica..s giving the finger + Dane Cooks pic in here
Your Perfect Pizza: round
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to dance like Mick Jagger under the Eiffel Tower
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "can u play slide guitar?
Thoughts First Waking Up: dream rewind

Your Best Physical Feature: a beating heart
Your Bedtime: depends on the city. None in Vegas
Your Most Missed Memory: Miss memories? don..t miss memories. They..re usually there
Pepsi or Coke: a drop of absynthe in a glass of Bushmills..no ice. Just those two & the glass.
MacDonalds or Burger King: cardboard & gease? No thanks
Single or Group Dates: dates are from California
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Long Island Ice..d Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Rum Raisin
Cappuccino or Coffee: Hot Rum
Do you Smoke: did
Do you Swear: unfortunately
Do you Sing: love music...i try in vain..wouldn..t call it singing
Do you Shower Daily: my body stunk but i kept my funk. Yeah, now I do
Have you Been in Love: Have, am, will be ...w/art, women, music, the kindness of strangers,clouds. Love is all
Do you want to go to College: been..art school
Do you want to get Married: Life..s too short.
Do you believe in yourself: 85% yes but have moments of doubts & fear
Do you get Motion Sickness: only during masturbation
Do you think you are Attractive: for others to decide. Pics in here somewhere
Are you a Health Freak: 75%
Do you get along with your Parents: Parent..Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love em
Do you play an Instrument: i wish
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: liver..s wavin a white flag
In the past month have you Smoked: reached the limit there too. ....don..t have Keiths lungs
In the past month have you been on Drugs: "on drugs?"... think it was the other way round
In the past month have you gone on a Date: a date is a fruit

In the past month have you gone to a Mall: allergic to the suburbs
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Oreos? why Oreos?
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: use it for cat food
In the past month have you been on Stage: everyday;all the worlds a stage
In the past month have you been Dumped: its happened but not in past month.. nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: not in past month but many times; Elysium/Topanga, various bodies of water on this blue ball. highly recommended if never done
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: maybe a heart...not sure
Ever taken a breath of air? Sure?
Ever been called a Tease: unlikely
Ever been Beaten up: It was mandatory .tough neighborhood as a lad but then we were one
Ever Shoplifted: Didn..t shoplift, I stole, ripped off, jacked
How do you want to Die: when i..m done
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: just want to be
What country would you most like to Visit: a mafia hang out in Marseille
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: no matter as long as a soul inside
Favourite Hair Color: not important
Short or Long Hair: n/imp
Height: above my neck & higher
Weight: less than she can bench press
Best Clothing Style: Very Feminine; clothing,under clothing,no clothing (just have something that smells good on)
Number of Drugs I have taken: thats a "loaded" question
Number of CDs I own: count CD..s??
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: one
Number of things in my Past I Regret: all the wasted time not in front of an easel

My Interests

Art, Music, People, MOMA, WHITNEY/galleries in SOHO,Tribeca, On a plane to somewhere else w/palm treesGreat photographic images. Want to see how others see New York SSSittay , addicted to vibe,art, people.Lost Angeles; Topanga Canyon...Malibu & Santa Monica Mountains. Zuma/Trancas. Walkin on trails w/mule deer, coyotes rattlesnakes on a 96 degree day...love the smell of eucalyptus in the morning....it smells like.....freedom.The infinite interior landscape of the mind.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who doesnt take life/themselves for granted or too seriously. Not too much baggage ... small carry -on..s ok.Other artists, musicians, writers, photogs..anyone creative. People who feel music & life w/a few layers of skin missing.Wounded souls most welcome here.Other GoofballsAnyone else into Barstool Sports & True Confessions."Big breasts, big ass......, big deal" Marilyn MOnroe


All kinds; Blues,Charlie Musselwhite Ray The Genius Charles Otis (the big O) Redding, Bowie, Brazilian, Albert Collins, Freddie King "goin down" Celtic, Stan Getz, (Mr. Mellow) Miles: ("i..ll play it first then tell you what it was after"), Dizzy (Salt Peanuts, Salt Peanuts) Mr. Parker Sonny Rollins, Trane, John Lee Hooker, Ella & Louie Billie Holliday Sade, Clapton, Little Richard (wailin b4 Elvis), Muddy, Mr. H. Wolf, Late 50..s - Early 60..s R&B, Smokey,The Delfonics, The Ojays, Ladies & Gentleman; The Rolling Stones "Gimme Shelter" ( should be the national anthem - "War, children, is just a shot away") + Scorsese has used Gimme Shelter in three of his movies: Goodfellas, Casino, and now The Departed. And last but not least.........Mr. Sonny Boy Williamson. No fireworks, giant screens, eye candy etc. just the man & his music.....enjoy!!!!..if u likes the blues.


Many.... Last Tango in Paris Chinatown Most Johnny Depps , A Bronx Tale "nothin worse than wasted talent son" anything w/Chris Walken Al Pacino "nothing personal Sonny, its business" Bobby D, Bogart, old ganster movies, Edward G Robinson; he knew and bought paintings directly from Matisse) EZ Rider Dennis Hopper; Blue Velvet, King of New York Le Femme Nikita (french ) The Thomas Crown Affair. (1st one w/McQueen & Dunaway) Tombstone; (I..m your Huckleberry) The Hustler, The Cincinnati Kid, Harvey Keitel The Bad Lt Don Juan DeMarco (Depp & Brando? could watch em read a phone book to each other) The Heist; Bobby D & Brando many more....Noir; Bogie, Mitchum, Cagney etc.Anything w/Warren Oates


Just a taste & when the flu hits.. had a new Andy Warhol documentary on that was good. It was fun to see Mick see his Andy..s for the 1st time. Frontline, NOVAInside The Actors Studio when a real actor on (no JLO etc)The guy w/the red paint in his hair to Bobby D; "what would you like to hear god say when he opens the pearly gates?" Bobby D; "if there..s a god, he has a lot of explaining to do" Charlie Rose The 3 Stooges (nice to see L.A. when streets were still dirt instead of dirty) Entourage + casting..s done by Georgianne Walken Chris.. wife. ...she..s the best in the biz. Never tired of seeing L.A. on screen. NYC too


"So many books, so little time" Alotta bio..s of artists; actors, musicians, photographers, writers, sculptors etc. The good doctor of course; Hells Angels, Fear & Loathing on The Campaign Trail "used car dealers, dishonest drug dealers, real estate agents..lock em all up." HST Papillion Letters to a Young Poet ; Rainer Maria Rilke


Anyone creative who can keep the heat going when all alone & no one..s watching or gives a damn but you keep painting, writing, Playin etc anyway. Any great artist that died young,broke and thought they failed. Modigliani; drank himself to death at 35....what art he left - what art died w/him. Picasso; the artist, not a nice guy. Kids dyin in a senseless war Muhammad Ali. Ali, Ali Marilyn Monroe (born and razed in Gollywierd..didn..t stand a chance) Curtis Mayfield John Lennon. for his unique independence + killed during an act of kindness....... unfathomable waste. NURSES!!! (if ever needed one, you know) Van Gogh; no Zanex, Vals etc in those days for a little relief now & then. Me Mums; (if yours still here, get off this box..give her a call)

My Blog

Quote Shlog

cThis Shlog is for quotes & the woven word that have inspired thought and or laughter. Feel free (always) to add the one`s you like. Demeted clown screeds will be amputated." Kindness in a woman, ...
Posted by EdWood Scissorhands on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 02:10:00 PST

A few moments w/Johnny & Marlon

by Johnny Depp OF ALL THE LEVELS OF CONNECTION, the most consistent was humor. Humor, often meaning practical jokes. There was no one more gifted in this arena or as skilled a craftsman as Marlon....
Posted by EdWood Scissorhands on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:04:00 PST