Join The Movement!!!
____ ______________________________________Strength of the World Against Terrorism is a brand new,fresh, cutting edge clothing line which raises money tofight terrorism, and support our troops. A portion of every
purchase is donated to the Department of HomelandSecurity, and support our military. We have a handful ofdifferent designs for t-shirts, hoodys, hats, etc. , andalso provide S.W.A.T. bumper stickers, and magnets. Thiscompany was created with the intentions to raise money tomake our "Homes" safer, and denounce terrorism. My name isJoe Schiro & I'm a 26 year old Quincy University grad. Ijust recently established the trademark rights forS.W.A.T., and truely believe that, united, with a commongoal we can conquer terrorism! This company wasestablished to stand firmlyagainst all forms of terrorism, and to create revenue forthat cause.Terrorism is a threat to all nations, people, races,religions, and cultures. We must stand united in this waron terrorism. No more attacks, like the WTC, Madridtrains, London Underground, Oklahoma City, and theUnabomer. Stop terror!____________________________________________SWAT & Full Throttle Magazine Bike Show Every Friday at Stratford Inn!!! Come Party With Us!!!.._____________________________________________ ..