Spawned from the brain-seed of the Gimp Angel of Id (The Kindergarten Experiment), the restless & relentless sound of CHOKE is teased from excessive volumes & fuelled by an overindulgence in barely legal decedent behaviour, an habitual addiction to ilicit substances & the adrenalin rush of getting a fix from the raw energy that only unadulterated rock can furnish.
In a world full of poly-formula lightweights, CHOKE dominates in loosening your grip on the moment & allows those who want to burn, to fly free while leaving the rest quivering in little puddles of their own bodily fluids.
CHOKE is nor a form nor shape; it is an addiction, it is a way of being as Hard, as Fast, & as Furious as you can possibly be without succumbing to spontaneous combustion....
So, when you've reached the point where you just want to CHOKE someone, remember:
"Why stop with one throat, when you can chain CHOKE".
The Lads....