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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
"Don't Matter, Just Don't Bite It!!"
Pimp My ProfileMUSIC!!!! MUSIC!!! MUSIC!!!, BEATZ!!! ART, INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS, interesting NOVELS, the Thesaurus, Fresh SneaKers--steppin' up on my sneaker game--You ain't got deez!!; UNIQUE JEWELRY, CHESS, hanDsoMe MEN with long eyelashes!, HIP HOP, ROOTS REGGAE, AFRO BEAT, AFRO FUNK, FUNK, SOUL, R&B, SOUNDSCAPES, JAZZ, ANYTHING THAT MAKES MY HEAD BOB AND giVes me a tinGLing sensation, bigFACED watches--ALL COLORS...ALL KINDS, PSYCHOLOGY, ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT, HOW THE MIND WORKS, LOVE, SEX, OLD CARS,DREAMS OF THE NIGHT, African Deities, Yoruba Culture, Dancing, ReggaE moVies/documentaRies, Old Black & White MovieS, Spirituality, my daMn SeLf, did I sAy sEx already??!??...
Pimp-My-Profile.comI want to meet: This Guy...and thE IdIOT WHO BROKE IN MY RidE AND sTOLe MY SOUNDS!!!!, Sade, Frankie Beverly, Erykah Badu, Ice Cube (aaawww baaaaby), T.D.Jakes, Mos Def, Andre 3000, Janet Jackson, Pharrell, Jay Dee -RIP Jay Dilla!!! the greatest dj ever, Quassimoto, "Black Thought" hUB AND hIs bass guitar from "The Roots"("caN yoU driVE stiCk?? nah, but I cAn LeArN!!!!"), My Grandmother Mary Brown (who looks like jAmeS BRoWn)...she died before I was born, Any person who is fRee In SpIriT and NOT CRAZY!!!...*wink wink*, tONI mORRIssON, Bilal, Donnie Simpson (wanna get VJ advice), Queen Latifah(she seems like she would bE CooL, she prolly got some green too...YaY!), Al SHarPton (wanna see the hair in person, yo), LorenZ TaTe, George Clinton...GRACE JONES...Ghostface, TD Jakes, Cousin Jeff (of BET)and last but not LeaSt...The Man of My Dreams
Myspace Graphics
From Go-Quiz.comDJ MAGIC MIKE!!! FELA KUTI, FRANKIE BEVERLY AND MAZE, gOOdIe mOB, ouTKAsT, wITcHdOCtOR, cOOl BReEZe, bOOTsY cOLLiNS, SAdE, aNITa baKeR, mARVIN gAYe, pHArRELL, dR.dRE, PUBLIC ENEMY, NWA, THE LOST BOYZ, :::Dante Lewis:::BOB MARLEY, JAMES BROWN, SLUM VILLAGE, JAYLIB, MADLIB, FORIEGN EXCHANGE, LITTLE BROTHER, BILAL, ERYkAH BADU, BrIAn cULBERTsON, rOy aYErS, TRIbE cALLeD qUESt, DeAD PReZ, BlackSHeeP!, JAY DILLA, iSLeY bROTHErS, jILL ScOtt, THE ROOTS, FUGeeS, LAURYN hiLL,sADE, THE JONES GIRLS,EaRTH wIND AND fIRe, NEW EDITION, WU-TANG, johnnie TaYLoR, BOBBY BROWN (his first album was tight, yo!!!) threeSixMafia, ProjecTpaT, *BlackStar, MosDef,Talib Kweli, GHOSTFACE KILLAH, commOn,BootCampClick, Fourplay,MC EIHT,Snoop, the doGGpOund, TooShort, DWELE, RAEKWON, LEELA JAMES, GOAPALE, PeterTosh, STeELe puLsE, RUN DMC, cuRtiS maYfieLD, D'Angelo, Bootsy CoLLins, DJ Quik, Digable Planets, caRLa GomEz, boBBy wOmaCK, gEno YouNg, ERic RoBerSon, afRa beHn, Prince, DJ Jazzy JeFF, The Time, Appallonia, soCieTy of sOUL, B.I.G., LOOsE eNds, WiLL DoWninG, N'Dambi, EaRth wIND & fIre, keIth sWeat, pooR RiGhteous TeaCHERS, Fiend, Kane and Abel, TRU, MIA x, JoNeS GirLs, AveRage wHitE baNd, DeLaSoul, CooL bReeZe, ?BustaRhymes, raphael SAdiQ, meCCA'sGrooVe, Al B sUre, gUY, Troop, R.Kelly, OUtKaST, JiLL sCoTT, UGK, pHaRcYDe, blAcK shEEp, DeViN, pHiL peRRy, ProJecT pAt, gaNgsTA bOO, QuAssiMoTo/MaDLiB, LittLe BRoTheR, sWEETbacK, Rahsaan pAtteRson, JNEIRO JAREL, OBSIDIAN BLUE, MOB DEEP, top authority, SLICK RICK, !!!Kool G. Rap!!!, CampLo, DweLe, Tela, gRanD PuBa, "Please HaMMeR, Don't hUrt em!!!", My homeboy FoE, K-OS, isAAC hAyES, NWA, !!!WUTANG!!!WUTANG!!!WUTANG!!!, tOtAL...
Pimped by
LOVE JONES, OFFICE SPACE, BOYZ IN THE HOOD, THE MACK, AMERICAN BEAUTY, CRASH, DO THE RIGHT THING, Crooklyn, Mo'Better BLues, DREAMGIRLS, She's Gotta Have It, Mohagany, SuperFLy, PRETTY WOMAN, i'm GonE gEt YOu sUcka! THE FIVE HEARTBEATS, AVALON, under the cherry moon, lady sinGs the bLues, Cooley High, Borat!, Pippi Longstocking, Anne of Green Gables, The TruMan sHow, A BeautifuL mInd, BLUE HILL AVE, Jason's Lyric, Brown Sugar, Dis-Orderlies, Purple Rain, The Last Dragon "Who's the masteR??? ShoNUFF!!!!", Butterfly Effect, Sybil, Coming To America! Image Pimped@MySpace
I don't watch much T.V. but I do like Felicity, Pimp My Ride, Anything on the Discover channell that shows naked people in other countries...Boondocks, Too funny to sleep, The Potter's Touch (TD Jakes), Creflo Dollar, Starting Over, VH1, BET J...that's all i can think of for now...oh yeah, Laguna Beach (Don't tell nobody!!).
"Song of Solomon", "The Bluest Eye" "SULA"...Anything by Toni Morrison!!! "Woman Thou Art Loosed"-T.D Jakes, "Your Best Life Now"- Joel Osteen, "Mama's Girl" - Veronica Chambers, "Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now"-Maya Angelou, "Mules and Men"-Zora Neale Hurston, "The House of the Spirits", "Incidents in the Life of a Slave GirL", "The Haunting of Hip-Hop", and more...
James Yancey AKA Jay Dee AKA "Jay Dilla", PUNKY BREWSTER!, My Big brother caRLToN aka "CooL C", TD Jakes, Haneen, TONI MORRISON, MAYA ANGELOU, DJ JuniorStar!!! and his wifey Stacey, Erykah Badu, Janet Jackson, Anyone who is un-apologetic about who they are and what they have to say...MYSELF!!! GOD!!!!
How to make a juice brown
5 parts:
3 parts:
self sufficiency
1 part:
Blend at a low speed
for 27 years. Top it off with a sprinkle of lustfulness, integrity, character, trust/dependence on GOD and enjoy!
Personality cocktail