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Rap Camp

Rapper, Actor & Producer

About Me

Rap Camp***** ******
Video free Tibet
..This Video & Song by Rap Camp will not immediately free Tibet. But if you can personally free Tibet in your mind, your message of freedom would be received by others alike in a metaphysical and telepathic chain reaction and Tibet would be free at last. No doubt! Watch alsoStop Traffic Music VideoIn loving memory
..Diamonds are forever

Add to My Profile | Diamonds are forever. But lives are not forever
Personalized Glitter Graphics
Rap Camp stammt aus Nigeria und wohnt in der Schweiz. Er ist Rapper, Schauspieler und Produzent. Fuer Rap Camp kommt Rassismus nicht in Frage. Unter Hip Hop sind wir alle eine Familie. Real Hip Hop kennt keine Rasse oder Hautfarbe. One Love, Peace & Respekt. Rap Camp ist Dipl. Kfm. (HWD:VSK - CH)
SUR RAP CAMP: Rap Camp c..est un nigerien qui habite en Suisse. Il est Rappeur, Acteur et Producteur. Pour lui, le racisme nest pas une question. Dans le monde du vrai Hip Hop on est tous une grande famille, n importe de quelle race et de quelle couleur. One Love, Peace & Respect!
Kung Fu Fighting, yeah !!!
SU DI RAP CAMP: Rap Camp, il nativo nigeriano che vive in Suizzera e dun cantante di Rap, attore e produttore. Per lui non esiste il razzismo. Nel mondo die Hip Hop siamo tutti una famiglia, e non distinguiamo ne razza ne colore. One Love, Peace & Respect!!! ..
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/9/2006
Band Members: more music from Rap Camp below

..Rap Camp is me aka Kayode, Emi (meaning Soul in my local language)I am a solo Artist born in Lagos city, Nigeria. A hobby Producer, Actor, Rapper & not a Gangsta. I am also not in competition with anybody which means there is no stress but just absolute fun on this music project of mine. All the bla bla blas you hear on my tracks are just me. Except for the beats, all tracks were written, arranged and produced by me. I will never ever discriminate against any race or religion. I have respect for Atheists cos in the beginning we were all born Atheists. I also have respect for Muslims & Budhists too. I am a Christian but not a fanatic Christian (meaning I will kill nobody in the name of God) My basic principle is this 'whatever your colour or religion just be good to every man or woman' live & let live so to say. I hate oppression of any kind, be it political oppression through political manipulation by a gang of some political nuisance or political opportunists in power. Apart from death nothing else is sure. I have learnt to accept, embrace and also celebrate Death as an inevitable Event. Ever ask yourself what happens to the world when you die, dead and gone forever? One thing is for sure my friend, the world would move on without you however painful your departure might turn out to be. So live & let live. I am sometimes very emotional and revolutionary in my thoughts like some other people too but sometimes we need to recognize certain fools, ignore them and move on with our lives. What I love most is to see happy faces. Stay positive all the time and you will receive back a million fold of some positive phenomenon in your life. It would also occur vice versa in a chain reaction. So keep your head up. Try to jump the next hurdle and move on. hey have a nice day & thanx for coming thru! Hope you like my music? But in case you dont like my music. I'll say pardon me for that. keep looking in who knows I might produce something that sounds cool to your ears someday. Stay blessed my good friend!
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Influences:Congratulations to Amy Winehouse on her Grammy Award. She agreed to go to Rehab but failed to come out real clean. Little courage & bad news to me! She is another vulnerable object of our societal influence. But I remain a fan and hope that she gets cleaned up in good time.
Sounds Like: Myself. I got pushed into the rap game by Busta Rhymes after consuming his release called ’When Disaster Strikes’ & rapper Common spiced up my interest for the rap game after consuming enough of his ’Like Water for Chocolate! but the first foundation with no attempt to rap has been the Sugarhill Gang’s Rappers’ Delight
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Rap Camp wants you to check out a photo on MySpace

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti... My favorite picture of the Month. Olivia Ted is a Myspace friend....
Posted by Rap Camp on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:33:00 PST

Diamonds are forever but lives are not !!!

rapper Rap Camp is using Music as a tool to keep it real.  This is why he wrote Diamonds are forever.  Rap Camp imagines himself living without limbs but still alive.  Doing just a litt...
Posted by Rap Camp on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST


I have been influenced by the society(including you & others).  Without the influence of the Society.  I am supposed to be living as a free man.   Just the way I was born. But ...
Posted by Rap Camp on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 10:13:00 PST