Member Since: 14/07/2007
Band Members: Rapper Rap Camp aka EMI, Kayode or Kay
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Rap Camp (Booty Arena) is a project on Bootylicious girls supporting Rapper Rap Camp. Its an idea that is filled with fun. The idea is to listen to Rap Camp & at the same time have fun with girls on the page! Lots of pictures & videos if you scroll through dem girls. The name defines itself. Songs posted would come with explicit lyrics on Sex. Real raw. You will hear words like Lick & Suck. Lets get freaky!!!
Rap Camp is one 'modafokin' Rapper who loves to rap raw, keep it real and pay attention to booties, yes, lots of booties. Rap Camp is from Nigeria. He resides in Zurich, Switzerland! Check Rap Camp's main Page Rap Camp(Official Page)learn a trick here from master Messiah. Get freaky with
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Influences: Learn a few trick to getting freaky!
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Blind Date with the Sexiest Chick on The Planet !!!
Add to My Profile | More VideosSUR RAP CAMP: Rap Camp c..est un nigerien qui habite en Suisse. Il est Rappeur, Acteur et Producteur. Pour lui, le racisme nest pas une question. Dans le monde du vrai Hip Hop on est tous une grande famille, n importe de quelle race et de quelle couleur. One Love, Peace & Respect!SU DI RAP CAMP: Rap Camp, il nativo nigeriano che vive in Suizzera e dun cantante di Rap, attore e produttore. Per lui non esiste il razzismo. Nel mondo die Hip Hop siamo tutti una famiglia, e non distinguiamo ne razza ne colore. One Love, Peace & Respect!!!Ueber RAP CAMP: Rap Camp stammt aus Nigeria und
wohnt in der Schweiz. Er ist Rapper, Schauspieler und
Produzent. Fuer Rap Camp kommt Rassismus nicht in Frage.
Unter Hip Hop sind wir alle eine Familie.
Real Hip Hop kennt keine Rasse oder Hautfarbe. O
ne Love, Peace & Respekt.
Rap Camp ist (Dipl. Kfm. HWD:VSK - Schweiz)!!!
Record Label: Unsigned