Music that makes you see and feel. Films that you can listen to. Art that you can touch. And make love to. Things that allow you to step into the arena and strip yourself bare of all the things you think you know. Art.
Like Minded People who are in for Art, Knowledge, Freedom and Personal Expression on all fronts and levels. People who want to see, know and feel. People who want to do something and keep looking to do something. Knowing that something is not just "something". People who know the value of seeing with their own eyes, feel with their own bodies and think their own thoughts. And People who like to start always all over again. Just for the sake of it.
Soul (Stax, Motown, Northern), Funk (James, George, Bootsy and all their Offspring and brethren...), Rock'n'Roll (Who, Kinks, Alex Chilton, Smiths, T-Rex, Replacements, Chesterfield Kings, Fuzztones, Gun Club, Stooges and all the others too that I can't write down but I never stopped grooving too...), Prog, Jazz, The Rhythm and The Blues, Soundtracks, Lounge. The Damned.
There are movies and then there is cinema. Be careful and make no mistakes. Movies are not cinema. And cinema is not movies. You can enjoy both, but they are not the same thing. Cinema is the Art of being here (mostly there...). Like great music (think of Miles or Marvin Gaye). Movies is something. Cinema is the real thing. Make your move.
All the books that I haven't read yet. Those are the ones that I'm still looking for.
No More Heroes still works fine to me even tough there are obviously a bunch of weirdos I'm still hopelessly devoted to. And they are the people that help me make my stand each day.