Tamara profile picture


Helping Indie Bands Turn THE corner....

About Me

**** Disclaimer ****
This page/site was created by Tamara's Corner© aka Tamara for her own personal benefit. The opinions expressed on this page/site is no way associated with any other communications. Any contact you have with Tamara's Corner© or Tamara producer, host of this page/site, or anyone else who links to this page is of a personal nature only. The producer/host of this page is doing so with no direction, or official capacity with any other Communications. Tamara takes no responsibility for any contact made between you and people not associated with this page, or anyone who links to this page.
**** ****
Hey EVERYONE.. My name's Tamara...I live in Canada.. and yea I'm PROUD to be Canadian! Music was my FIRST LOVE... Its ALWAYS been there for me... Whether its Rockin' out when I'm feelin fiesty ( yea go figga I'm a redhead and I LOVE being FIESTY!!:) .. or Chillin & listening to something mellow... My musical interests vary, If you take a look at my music collection its FULL of surprises.. Lets just say I LOVE ALL MUSIC and leave it at that!!...Its soooo awesome that I get to work with soooo MANY talented artists, I'm TOTALLY blessed to be able to do what I LOVE doing which is introducing AMAZING artists to the WORLD on Interactive House Party© & The eutche show© I enjoy hearing from YOU... the talented artists on Myspace.... you ALL are such a HUGE inspiration for me to keep doing what I'm doing THANK YOU :)
If you're interested in having me fly your banner on my page hit me up with the HTML code in a message and I will gladly get it put into the scroll box
Feel free to contact me here on myspace or email me by clicking the envelope BELOW:
[email protected]

My Interests

Want To Listen In? Click the ON AIR button below.. Button Saturdays 10 pm EST - 1 am EST !!

...Next eutche® Show: "Interactive House Party©" Saturdays @ 10pm EST !!TONIGHT on the Show ** ASHES OF SOMA **!!!... Just Hit The Flashing On-Air Button Below. The #1 Interactive Show That Dominates The NET!....

Requests! (347)436-0231

Drama Dome Proud Sponsor of IHP©

I'd like to meet:

Indie Artists who want to get their music out to a LARGE audience!!!
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

Check out this GREAT website for Indie Bands, Managers, Promoters, Music lovers...Basically, ANYONE interested in music! It belongs to an AWESOME friend of mine...Get involved...sign up...Why not even make it your homepage!!

You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.



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