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About Me

I originally became famous when I was in the spectacular band The Fold, later know as Leaving The Fold. Formed in 2006 with three reprobates from the depths of Cornwall, I played drums on a beat up old kit that Pete Doherty once stood on (git). We used to practice in my garage and get shit on by nesting swallows....Then I moved to the big city to seek fame and fortune, found neither. Band imploded and I begged for a job at a record shop in Archway home of our record label Marquis Cha Cha, run by the ever so stylish Alexandria Bean. They eventually said yes and I have been here since. I started DJing last year because it looked easy and I think it's what you're supposed to do if you work in a record store. It's way more fun than playing drums and now I do it lots. This year I went to Paris 4 times and I successfully got lost on each trip...So begins mine and AB's record label LOST IN PARIS. Also our DJ name and we have fantastic releases and a lovely logo. It's good fun DJing and having a record label because you get to show off a lot and people give you free drinks all the time. Next year I am 21, the shop is moving to Farringdon and I'm going to wear more cardigans.

My Interests

Being idle, showing off.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who still makes flexidiscs.You. Here:


Datarock, Interpol, Regina Spektor, Hot Chip, Metronomy, Sonic Youth, Joy Divison, Pixies, Snow White, Blood Brothers, Mclusky, Les Savy Fav, Smiths, Neon Blonde, Bowie, Al Green, The Knife, Tiger Force, Billie Holiday, PJ Harvey, Sly And The Family Stone, The Kills, Hot Club, Beth Orton, The Blood Brothers, Sam & Dave, Scout Niblet, Shellac, The Gossip, The White Stripesm, Nick Drake, Johnny Cash, Trial Of Dead, Otis Redding, Smashing Pumpkins, The Eels, Shellac, Stylistics etc


The Best Movie Reviews




More Die Of Heartbreak - Saul Bellow Hitler, my part in his downfall - Spike Milligan


Alex Bean!

My Blog

blog your face off

The infamous Lost in Paris blog esta aqui...http://www.wegotlostinparis.blogspot.com/...
Posted by Katherine on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 06:18:00 PST