I originally became famous when I was in the spectacular band The Fold, later know as Leaving The Fold. Formed in 2006 with three reprobates from the depths of Cornwall, I played drums on a beat up old kit that Pete Doherty once stood on (git). We used to practice in my garage and get shit on by nesting swallows....Then I moved to the big city to seek fame and fortune, found neither. Band imploded and I begged for a job at a record shop in Archway home of our record label Marquis Cha Cha, run by the ever so stylish Alexandria Bean. They eventually said yes and I have been here since. I started DJing last year because it looked easy and I think it's what you're supposed to do if you work in a record store. It's way more fun than playing drums and now I do it lots. This year I went to Paris 4 times and I successfully got lost on each trip...So begins mine and AB's record label LOST IN PARIS. Also our DJ name and we have fantastic releases and a lovely logo. It's good fun DJing and having a record label because you get to show off a lot and people give you free drinks all the time. Next year I am 21, the shop is moving to Farringdon and I'm going to wear more cardigans.