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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Next gig:
*Thursday May 14, KonfettiKlubben, mainfloor @ Stengade30, Cph N*
*Friday May 15, TransmissionLow release party @ Jolene, Cph V*
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one of my kind around...
I'm scared of spiders, fleece (it's unbelievably unnerving!) and hairdressers (havn't been to one for 5 years). My hair has an adventurous life of it's own!
I'm appearently "to tough to be indie" - said by the girl who's "to bitter to be twee".
And have just been labelled "a boy in a pretty dressy disguise"!?!
I'm easily amused, amazed and surprised - but equally easily bored, distracted and confused...
Always a bit on the tardy side... dreaming of becoming a superhero and still not used to the idea of acting like a grown up.
I sound like Cheryl -fookin'- Tweedy when I'm drUnk - actually I woke up one morning and had become a pseudo-geordie...
My real name btw is Stine, I'm named after a danish 60's new wave movie "Stine and the boys", which seems to sum up my life pretty acurate... Stella is my DJ-name, evil alter ego and secret identity, so now I've completely blown my cover.
Constantly falling in and out of love with my friends, music, boys (oh dear), music, movies, music, art & fashion, music, ideas & notions, music and life in general...
The proud co-owner of a hillarious evil killer rabbit - though it mostly terrorizes the rest of my patient family!
I'm sometimes terribly inconsiderate, evil and even rude but I do love my friends and family... No really, I do!
Love dancing, laughing, building Lego, telling stories, writing, hoola-hooping, dj'ing, singing (preferably stupid pop and mostly in the shower or in front of my mirror), coffeetable books on art and music, jumping around, my bike, playing the tambourine, acting like a proper rockstar, doing the unstruck and walking around in the rain.
A firm believer in the concepts of organized chaos and chaotic organizing!
I'm probably way to nerdy to ever be cool and fit in properly - I have a huge collectors gene and I tend to take things pretty litteraly. So if you ask me if I wanna see your "record collection", you'd better have one!
I would love to have a lot of photos to document my life, but I always seem to be so caught up in the moment, that I forget... or look very strange.
I dream of travelling the world for a living, doing what I love forever and having fun while doing it. And I would love to own a mansion i Scotland, complete with ghost and all...
...needless to say: I talk and write (and drink and smoke) way to much...
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
*DJ: I mainly play 7"-singles... (Post)punk, elektro, indie, wierd and girly stuff, rock'n'roll and 60's-80's pop*
*Doing the club stop.dans every 3. thursday @ Stengade30, Cph*
*Resident pre/post-gig DJ @ Loppen Cph*
*Doing a Master of Fine Arts Degree specialising in Film and Cultural Journalism at University of Copenhagen*
*Musical editor in chief @ University Radio in Copenhagen*
*Did a weekly "rock, indie, punk and weird stuff" evening called LYDH�R, every thursday @ Isola in Cph, it was fun while it lastet :)
*CoFounder of (now dead) Girl DJ collective Grrlz Got Whiskers*
*Former student: movies & audiovisual media at University of Copenhagen*
*Former student: Cultural journalism and rock culture/sociology at Malmö University (Högskola)*
*Former host of independent radioshow Dance To The Radio (RIP)*
*Freelance writer/journalist*
*used to be punky kid - turned rock'n'roll chick - turned indiebird - turned postpunk queen*
*10 songs of the moment*
1: Love is All - Give it Back
2: Zeitgeist - Rake-Shake
3: The Royal We - All the Rage
4: The Rakes - You're in It
5: The Slits - Heard it Through the Grapevine
6: Fad Gadget - Ricky's Hand
7: Black Wire - The Face
8: Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood
9: Blood Red Shoes - It's getting boring by the sea
10: You say Party! We say Die! - Cold Hands Hot Bodies < br />

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

-> maybe you...

My Blog

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