Music-Televison today is a mere bore. Always the same artists, always the same music, always from the same producers.
The music-scene has much more to offer, especially outside the major record label-dominated mainstream. There is a higher commercial and creative potential out there, with a greater and more intensive connection between fans and artist.
This is why we choose to feature “marginal†genres, because the vast majority of music-lovers is spread between different styles of music ranging from Rock to Classical music, not just the hypes and faked trends of the charts.This is where Streetclip.TV launches its “alternative offensiveâ€. The TV week will be divided into several topic-days. Every day will feature a different musical style and culture with shows and video clips. The weekend will be a cross between different styles and cultural topics. News, information, talk-shows and special-interest formats will form the second important corner-stone in Streetclip.TV’s program.
Furthermore, we will produce and feature high-quality documentations on traditional and folkloristic festivals from different regions and countries.
STREETCLIP.TV ist der erste Full-Content-Musiksender im Internet. 24-Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche bringen
wir Euch das Beste aus den Sparten Musik und Kultur, die Ihr bei allen anderen TV-Sendern nicht findet. Ob Rock,
Pop, Country, Rockabilly, Metal oder sonst irgendeine stiefmütterlich behandelte Sparte - wir kennen keine Genre-Scheuklappen!
STREETCLIP.TV präsentiert neben etablierten Acts auch junge Künstler mit frischen Ideen, so wie kulturelle Events.
Wir fangen da an, wo das Fernsehen in die Röhre schaut! Mit voller Power, vollem Programm und mit vielen Zusatz-Features - bleibt dran!
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