XANG was founded in 1996 by Vincent Hooge and Manu Delestre. Matt Hooge Vincent..s brother joined them a few months later, Antoine Duhem two years later. The debut CD by XANG "Destiny of a Dream" was released in 1999. The album got a great resonance so they were invited to participate at many prestigious festivals, all around the world.
The band was hold on standby for a few years because of family obligations. Now it's time to release the second album "The last of the lasts", a concept album about WW1, the inhuman conditions of the soldiers of this conflict victims of their leaders madness. The album has a melancholic touch for sure. It is sometimes hard, symphonic, progressive, industrial or acoustic. A great diversity with the typical XANG sound, the music is surrounded by an interesting booklet. The booklet contains texts, coloured images to illustrate the scenes. Photos, images, texts and music are able to transport the listener to the sadest times the old europe had to go through. Chaos, sadness, violence, despair and lost of confidence into humanity.XANG WAS AT INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS LIKE THE CORBIGNY AND SARLAT FESTIVALS IN FRANCE, PROGFARM IN HOLLAND, BELGIUM, PROGSOL IN SWITZERLAND, RIO ART ROCK FESTIVAL IN BRAZIL, AND A BRAZILIAN TOUR IN RIO DE JANEIRO, MACAE AND CATAGUASES
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