About Me
I would describe myself as a modern day Da Vinci/Forrest Gump of Clear Lake. I was born in Silver City, New Mexico. People call me a "new mexican" or a "dry-back"...what does that mean? Six months later my parents moved the family to small town in the rolling, hills of central Texas, in trailer house, eating beans, rice and spaghetti on special nights. There I was raised with my older brother and half sister. My sister's mother's, mother, is Doris Jean Barrilleaux, one of the pioneers for women's body building and author of "The Fitness book". With being raised in a small town in the mid-west, there was nothing to do except drink beer down by the river or go to church, I ended up doing the church thing. My mom was big time religious and my dad was... well he just was'nt. I did well at school, played trumpet in the band, was band president, and found out that I was a talented artist. I Placed in many state competitions, national art shows, and all ready had college credit in art before I left High School. I was accepted into Pratt in Brooklyn, New York, just by a recruiter glancing over my portfolio. She gave me an enrollment # on the spot. From being quite sheltered growing up in a small town and Pentecostal church, New York City scared the frick'in ba'jesus out of me. So I followed my big brother "call of GOD" minister to Bible College in Houston, Texas in 1994. I had no intention of being a "preacher", so I received a 3 year certificate at 24 credit hours a semester that would be equivalent of a Bachelors in family counseling. During those first college years working as a Valet Parker at night to pay for school. Valet parking I was able to met or work for: Kenneth Ley at his house, Mattress Mac, Carl Lewis, Jerry Lee Lewis, George and Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, the "Art Guys", Charlton Heston, Bo Michaels, Bruce Willis, the Goodmans (home ac), Marilyn Oshman (big supporter for women artist), Patrick Swayze's baby sitter (funny story), Joe Beasley, Danny Devito, Beyonce, Kelly, and Michelle, Rob Schneider (very short but very funny guy)... that list goes on and on. The first summer of 1995 I met up with a stone sculpting artist named Jill Sablosky. I became her apprentice and worked on many of her public projects for large scale sculpture, off and on with different projects until 2001 or so which include, the Federal Building in San Antonio, the Adler Johnson grounds for sculpture in Trenton, New Jersey, 500,000 lbs of granite sculpture installation at Southern Connecticut University, in Danburry, private commissions in New Haven, Columbus, Philadelphia, and D.C. She was soooo appreciative of my help, that she made it possible for me to go to study marble carving in Peitra Santa, Italy. When I came back from Italy, I met the student body president of the Divinity School of Yale University, and he had me speak at Yale a few times. I was then accepted into Yale, but I did not want my Masters Of Divinity. This is just getting to long... so let me just break it down a little faster.... Met Christina Aguilera at church camp and "talked" to her all summer before she signed her first record deal. Snow skied with Julia Mancuso. Party after hours with Amanda Peet and Jason Hildredge. Almost body painted Paris, Nicky, and Nichole on New Year’s Eve 2002. I dated the step daughter of the Executive producer of Columbia Records. Watched La Bo heme with the executive producer of National Geographic. I taught Sculpture as a adjunct professor. Painted many murals in bars, restaurants, and day cares in Clear Lake, Texas. Went to Australia for two months, stayed in Alaska for 8 months, saved Flour Daniels and Comanche Peek Nuclear Power Plant 1.4 million. Designed our Glen Rose City Logo... film director for 2 of Visible Changes Fashion shows, produced, directed 6 music videos for local bands, 5 indies, 5 motocross videos...I would like to go main stream some time... there some amazing stories that I could not even scratch the surface by starting them here on my space. ...can a person change their stars? – a knight's tale- ...all men die, but some never really live. -braveheart-
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