it would probably be easier to ask what my interests aren't... what i love is this... reading, my friends, talking for hours on end to my friends, dancing, living life to its fullest, sqeezing into small spaces, snowboarding, good conversation, live music... jazz, acoustic, etc, cycling, working out, yoga, wine, cooking, ballet, football sundays, sleeping, staying up late, going to bed early, buddhism, burning man, being pampered, being lazy, being active, meditation, feeling inspired, laughing, staring into space, camping, and the list goes on...
the dalai lama, fellow hedonists and rock stars, those who aren't afraid to push the envelope and get their feet wet, friends of my friends and friends i haven't met yet. partners in crime, wingmen/women and anyone who doesn't mind being showered with my affection. those willing to try new things and not afraid of change.
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breaks, house, high energy bangin beats, sf locals, lorin, coldplay, portishead, jazz, hybrid, sigur ros, radiohead, james brown, adam freeland, dave matthews, sasha, miles, coltrane, death cab, danny tenaglia, richie hawtin, tori amos... to name a few
true romance, donnie darko, fight club, lord of the rings, kill bill, fear and loathing, kiss kiss bang bang, run lola run, movies with edward norton and or christopher walken
i am now thoroughly addicted to lost. friends, jon stewart show, the news... but beware the brainwashing idiot box
memoirs of a geisha, the power of now, many lives many masters, the lovely bones, me talk pretty one day, any book that can grab my short attention span and keep it.
My mom, the Dalai Lama, all those who have stared fear or apprehension in the face and foraged ahead. people who stand up for what they believe in and not afraid to speak their minds.