27blue is for you!
WENATCHEE AREA CHANNEL GUIDE TO FIND 27BLUE ON YOUR TV! Charter Cable Channel 19, USA Media Cable Channel 45, Entiat Cable Channel 19, Waterville Cable Channel 40, Chelan County Fiber Project Channel 12,NON-CABLED homes over a series of translators that can be received via ANTENNA. Channel 9, 12, 47, 57, 59 in the Greater Wenatchee Valley, Channel 11 serving Leavenworth, Channel 07, 52 and 59 serving the Upper Valley, Channel 11 and 03 serving Entiat, Orondo, Waterville, Channel 08 serving Ardenvour, Channel 09 and 12 serving Quincy, Cresent Bar, George, Channel 06 / 87.7 FM in the Greater Wenatchee Valley,27blue audio streamed at www.kwcctv.com!
All! And that means YOU!
We can even help you with the production of your indie films!
We love TV! Dont shoot your TV let us do it and film it for your next music video!