"To be in accord with the times;
Ghost Power! (as is not uncommon in the industry, the biz, the tiger-muffin consumtory) has been asked on one or several occassions to word-picture a name-drop of its particular din of racket, its "dracket," as if they (Ghost Power!) were dracketeers or the questioners were whisker-drapes, that is not important; The central fucking issue is that the whisker-drapes had asked the Ghost Power! dracketeers The wrong question. Indeed; And if there is one thing Ghost Power! Believes it is that the "right" question is in fact out there; waiting for Ghost Power! To drag it out and wave it around like a velvet painting of a naked woman over the bed of a sketchy hotel room during the 1970s; But! If forced and annoyed enough into answering thee wrong question, Ghost Power! Would be grudged to admit it sounds like the whales from Star Trek IV, who were unfashionable enough in the present, old-fucking news on a desert premised by old-fucking news, to be zoned for extinction; wah-wah (in descending tones, indicating; bummer! asserts snowflakishly snappy) only to then be whisked away to the future in a Klingon ship in the midst of the most jovial and comedic Star Trek! film to date, where in the podern (where people had become advanced enough to conjoin the words "post" and "modern") world their voices held the key to small-talking an alien probe-droid ship into not destroying Earth; There are only two differences between Ghost Power! And the Star Trek IV whales; 1. Ghost Power! Is found more sexy by human audiences than the Star Trek IV whales 2. Ghost Power! faces essentially two problems; one is Andrew Houck, the other is Brock P. Johnson; and there are no whales what can save Ghost Power! This time the shit-storm cannot be duped by whale-baring Klingon-ships Indeed!"