Casket Architects profile picture

Casket Architects

over caffeinated-prepare to destroy!!!

About Me

paul thorstenson and ourselves doing a cover of the devil may care song "hello my name is fuck" My name is spock

Add to My Profile | More Videos ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- The Casket Architects came from the future to fuck up your mind with music. That's the only way I can explain it. Some people call their sound sci-fi death rock, which would explain the dead bodies that pile up when they perform in public. Survivors report feeling like they were in a 'fast-moving' zombie movie: "We thought dying would slow them down, but damn it, the undead can run, and they're coming right for us!"...............Mike Shaw is insane. He's insane like 'mad genius' insane -- also like, "Dude, you're an insane guitar player, and that's an insane amount of effects pedals!" He's also an insanely friendly front-man, but you wouldn't know that from the live shows, as he screams at you in a voice one might hear before getting hit by a train....................Evan Schlomann plays the bass like an anchor and a propeller blade, but he is not a sailor to my knowledge. One day someone will sue him for knocking their teeth out with his headstock. He also has a veritable jet cockpit of effects pedals from which he drops bombs and extends landing gear into your brain...................Annie Terror is putting snare drums in comas. Her cymbals want to run away. She siphons the punk out of hardcore industrial metal and lights it on fire. She's frighteningly consistent and consistently frightening. And it's loud... I'm pretty sure they can hear it in heaven, at least in hell I know they're listening..................Jon Duelks has the opposite of jazz hands. Kind of like a cross between a lobster claw and the last wave for help from a drowning child. His synthesizer sound is a chainsaw of possibilities, from analog Nintendo-core to no-wave robot rock. He is the band's edge and he never needs sharpening. -zac shaw ............................................................ ............................................................ ...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ..........................................................

My Interests


Member Since: 2/26/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

Influences: lost sounds, voivod, melvins, locust, skull kontrol, twilight zone, napalm death, samhain, black flag, throbbing gristle, michael myers, faith no more, milemarker, skinny puppy, murder city devils, converge, henry miller, melt banana, black sabbath, einsturzende neubauten, dissolve, muse, thrones, bad brains, hunter s. thompson, devo, agent orange, bill murray, brutal truth, dead kennedys, jesus lizard, mr. bungle, joy division, ramones, carcass, the vss, jay reatard
Sounds Like:
click the picture to buy skull persuasion

click the picture to buy electrical/skeletal [7inch record]

click the picture to buy dance on the death nerve

click the picture to buy a cocktail of ravage delight

Record Label: altercation records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

lit lounge pictures

picture by dean....
Posted by Casket Architects on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:19:00 PST

pictures 12 may 07 brooklyn .ny

12 may 07 brooklyn .ny[pictures by zac shaw]...
Posted by Casket Architects on Mon, 14 May 2007 04:05:00 PST


Posted by Casket Architects on Tue, 01 May 2007 10:09:00 PST

21april2007 pictures

here's some pictures from our show 21April2007 at oneonta. all pictures of casket architects by mike heffler, all pictures of robots and empire, texas blind by evan....
Posted by Casket Architects on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:42:00 PST

the anatomy of a mohawk

mike [representing the anti-mohawks] plays paul [already sporting a mohowk] in a game of foose-ball to determine the fate of jon's hair.jon is concerned.mike wins the match but allows a re-match again...
Posted by Casket Architects on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:07:00 PST

casket architects / dead unicorn tour photos [part 1]

i'm pretty sure there is a hamburger in the cupholder.[here's some cool bands we got to see]...
Posted by Casket Architects on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 10:52:00 PST

january tour photos

"contact high crack tour 2007"casket architects / johnny cage is a fake / bearathon [nyc][sometimes tour sucks]"we played our balls off man!!! not a bite to eat!!! not a drop of gas!!!!"[sometimes tou...
Posted by Casket Architects on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 03:13:00 PST

just in case you didnt see these flyers enough- there's a nice little section set up at gner=71205
Posted by Casket Architects on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 12:01:00 PST


From Chronogram'sOctober 2006CD ReviewsThe 666 Rarities CDVarious ArtistsAltercation Records, 2006Contrary to the cover art and title, one need not be an acolyte of diabolism to enjoy the sounds conta...
Posted by Casket Architects on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:03:00 PST

punknews review

we got a review on  go check it out.  give us a few good comments to even the score.thanks!
Posted by Casket Architects on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 03:28:00 PST