Wide Eyed Coma was formed from the ashes of the band mates former projects, Kevin Alcombrack(drums)desperate to form a new band, placed an add on his myspace page(www.myspace.com/kevinalcombrack)and shortly after doing so Kevin Morgan(Lead Guitar, Vocals http://www.myspace.com/thebandmite)contacted me and the beginning of Wide Eyed Coma was formed.
With both Kevin and Kevin knowing Jason Swank(rhythm Guitar, Vocals)we asked him to join and he of course did.
So with the line-up just about complete we were lacking the thick low end for the group, So with WEC desperately trying to fill the spot Kevin Alcombrack was in the local music store and saw an add for a bass player by the name of Tim Herrington looking to join a band, so we tried him out, and right from the start we all thought Tim was the best fit. Tim is a very talented bass player, and we are honored to have him in the band, check him out at http://www.myspace.com/bassist6192)So with the line-up complete wide eyed coma was born.
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