Today (July 2nd), our account got hacked! They deleted 7,000 friends, 1,500 messages from our inbox, and reset our profiles views from 221,000 to 0. They also for some reason changed our URL from "papermachemusic" to "musicbypapermache." We are pretty bummed out about it. It took a lot of work to build this network between us and our fans. Unfortunetly, myspace is one of the only ways small touring bands can keep fans updated about new things that are going on with the band.
Of course we aren't going to let this slow us down! There are a lot of shows that will be listed soon, as well as some sneak peaks at some songs from our upcoming release.
PLEASE post a bulletin letting your friends know where to find us now! Our new URL is MUSICBYPAPERMACHE
Yours Truly,
Paper Mache