About Me
These are songs I have written and sing. Most of them are personal songs I write and perform for my own selfish reasons.
"Caffe Mela - Artesian Coffee Roastery, Bakery, and Cafe. Just the title of this
Wenatchee venue sparks creativity, comfort and community. But, the room is only the beginning of this story, a foundation as it were. Because in this place there is something ethereal, emotional, real, and touching. Deep in the room there is a storyteller. He's pouring out his soul through wood, wires, speakers, and perhaps even the steam of the roasted beans rising from your cup. It's Dylan Morrison, and this experience has been preserved in his latest release, Both/And. Best described as honest folk storytelling, Dylan's performance is nothing short of excellent. The thing that really captured my interested was the fact that this is a live recording. That means no multi-tracking, no retakes, no auto-tune, no studio makeup to polish and transform the music into something Hollywood would convince you into lining their pockets for. This is as real as it gets. There is a certain frailty in Dylan's voice. As if he is opening up to the audience and
revealing. As the album progresses, you can hear the audience respond to that. Silence while he is playing, and accolades as he finishes. His guitar playing is rhythmic with solid bass lines and an up/down type melody swing. The guitar itself has a woody tone with some fret buzz that only adds to its pleasant character. Mixed and mastered well, this album sounds great at any volume. On the first track, "Religare," Chantel Bailey provides beautiful backing vocals, adding depth and beauty. It's a song about self discovery and release, with clever lines evoking imagery, such as "Why resole these shoes, when I can buy a new pair?" Pleasing and full of depth, I found the whole album to be filled with this kind of creativity. This was my first exposure to Dylan Morrison. And like a breath of fresh air, I really enjoyed the stories he told. It was clear that the audience did as well. If you want to hear something real, this is the ticket." by Brian Fannin - Whats Up! Magazine - Bellingham, Washington
West Toward the Ocean (2006) - available through download only
Sitting in Empty Houses (2007) - available through download only
Both/And (2009) - available at Everyday Music, Avalon Records and Caffe Mela
Bands I have been lucky enough to tour with or merely share a stage with include but are not limited to - Telekinesis!, Noah Gundersen, Generifus, Seth Martin, Mike Dumovich, Jenna Conrad, If Bears Were Bees, Skinny People Kissing, Red Means Go, The Rivercats, Poor Folks Live Well, Curtis Peoples, Keaton Simons, Olivia De La Cruz and Karli Fairbanks.