I live in Hull in East Yorkshire in the UK. I am a Pagan following an eclectic path with an emphasis on a shamanic approach. However, I do not call myself a shaman as it is not my primary job function! I have also studied Wicca and Northern traditions, but not as an initiate. Most importantly I am part of a great Pagan community in Hull (check out our proboards forum for more info).
I have helped build a stone circle and two Celtic-style roundhouses. I love music in in many forms from traditional folk to industrial/experimental. I play a bit of guitar and some African drumming for fun, but not to professional standard. I practice Tai Chi/Qigong and have done a little Aikido and Stav. I like to cook (and eat) curries. I have planted quite a few trees in various places around Hull.
This space was designed and hand-coded by me, including photos/image manipulation. Fractal backgrounds created using chaospro3.2.