Resuming Public Ministry, I am Back! New Day profile picture

Resuming Public Ministry, I am Back! New Day

If You Can Envision It, You Can Accomplish It.

About Me

"Yes We Can"Click below to email me: derik lamont TVClick below To Check out My Video Sharing Network Page: Derik LamontClick below to Check out my Online TV Channel: Derik Lamont TVGroup Info: Derik Lamont TV (Group)Psalmist Earnest Pugh "Just For Who You Are"Attention All Artist Check Out My Good Friend and Brother in The Lord, Promoter, and Producer Mr Benny Quitell.A lot of Great things to Offer those in the Industry. So wether you are a Vocalist, Musician, Model, Actor, etc. Check it out. Here's help for yur Career. It's all about Networking together to accomplish the task. God Bless each of you abundantly even as your soul prospers. ks Own Video Sharing Community WWW.4MSE.TVis an all-in-one community website meet friends, school friends, musicians, artists, models and so much more. WWW.4MSE.TVPromotes 4or 4ree various talent sources via our site, myspace, craigslist, and Legal email blasting. WWW.4MSE.TVPromotions are linked directly to you WWW.4MSE.TVHas a TV show on Time Warner showcasing a wide range of talent covering the full spectrum of entertainment as a whole. WWW.4MSE.TV Would like talent that have videos featuring themselves and there particular art to upload content to our site. And please join every other site you can that allows you to upload content. Talent if you wish to participate on the TV show please contact our producerBENNY QUETELLInvestors that would like to know how they can aide in taking the website to another level and enjoy a fantastic return on your investment please contactWWW.4MSE.TV-Att-M111 545 8th Ave suite 401 NY.NY. 10018 212.613.3331 Office

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My Interests

Music, Movies- Action-Comedy-Sci/fi-Drama, Theater - Black Theater- Musicals, Computers, Nature, Small pets.Check out Chihuahua Video

I'd like to meet:

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in peace when this journey called life is done.Vocalist Jaiden "Hello Heartache"Vocalist Jaiden "With or Without You"Donations for the ministry accepted... Begin Official PayPal Seal -- .. End Official PayPal Seal --.. width="425" height="350" .. dys"FUNK"tionband @ Cafe WHA, NYC.. width="425" height="350" ..


Here are some the Artists who have inspired me along this journey called life, Whitney Houston, Chaka Kahn, Jill Scott, Stevie Wonder, CeCe Winans, Mary Mary, BeBe Winans, The Winans family, Mary J Blige, Darryl Coley,Tonex,George Huff, Wallace Gary, Scott&Shannon Holley, Pastor Donnie McClurkin, Yolanda Adams, Brian McKnight, Melonie Daniels,Kelly Price, Inaya Day(jiffie),Schon Jamal, Rosalind Brown, Victor T Cook, Tachina Arnold,Benjamin Love, Rose Nubia, Lena Murriel, Candi Gerena, Clark Sisters, Anita Wells and an exstensive list too numerous to list.

powered by frazy.comBluv & Heritage Christian Center Choir

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Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace LayoutsSome of my favorite moves are: The Color Purple, The Preachers Wife, The Bodygaurd, Fame, Cinderella feat Whitney(Would love to see Whitney do musical theater),All the Star Wars Episodes, Matrix Trilogy, Rent, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Titanic, Madea's Family Reunion, Madea goes to Jail,just to name a few.


Good Times, The Flintstones, Living Single, In Living Color, and Madd TV are all just a few of my alltime favorite T.V. shows.


The Holy Bible(KJV, NKJV, NIV),Exploring Worship by Bob Sorge,Releasing your potential by Myles Monroe,Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas,Up From Slavery,Make me wanna holla,Go Tell it on the Mountain - James Baldwin,Revelations by Mason Betha(Mase),Silent No More by Rod Parsley, He Motions - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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My hero?... I believe that would be Jesus Christ, for He saved my life and I am greatful for all He's done, is doing, and going to do in and around my life.Whitney Houston Greatest Love of All .. width="425" height="350" ..The Clark Sisters- "Nothing to Lose" .. width="425" height="350" ..cHECK OUT pAM OF gREATER eMANUEL WITH THE cLARK sISTERS sHE sLAMS IT.... .. width="425" height="350" ..

My Blog

Check out this video: Allen A.M.E.

Allen A.M.E. Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:59:00 PST

Relecting on Life of Benjamin Love

A reflection on the Life of our Friend and Brother in Christ - Benjamin M. Love Grace and Peace be unto you all, Did not our hearts burn within, as our lives were being touched by God and wisdom, kn...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:16:00 PST

Check out this video: BLuv in Good God

Good GodAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:27:00 PST

THOSE BORN 1930-1979????

TO ALL THE KIDSWHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!   First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, at...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 05:46:00 PST

A Great Friend, Benji, Gone for now but will never forget

Bluv & Heritage Christian Center ChoirAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:27:00 PST

My Son Aaron the Dancer

Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 01:09:00 PST

Here's a bit of my Story

Grace, Peace, and Blessings to everyone.About me? a very humbled brutha here going through this journey called LIFE. I went to George Westinghouse Voc & Tech H.S.Majored in T.V. Studio Technology,...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:28:00 PST

Check out this video as Tonex Solutes the music from the 50's

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Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:25:00 PST

Martin Luther King

.. width="425" height="350">..>.. width="425" height="350">..>.. width="425" height="350">..>MLK's Anti War Speach...
Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:57:00 PST

Vintage photos and video of The Civil Rights Movement

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Posted by R.I.P.Benji, from your friend Derrick aka Sixthree on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:51:00 PST