My life secondarily revolves around hair. I'm totally gonna be like George Washington Carver and his 300 and something uses for peanuts... only with hair. I'm gonna use it for everything... solve the energy crisis, create shelters for homeless people, save the world from the horrors of bad haircuts and 5 inch roots. It's a passion.
People with bad roots and mullets that need to be schooled in the ways of hair fashionability. Unless its rooty done right or a cool mullet done right... then its okay.
A little bit of everything... Adam Joseph, 30 Seconds to Mars, PANIC! AT THE DISCO, Scissor Sisters, TOOL, Madonna, Bjork, Micheal Buble, Marilynn Manson, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Jamie Cullum, Courtney Love, Dangerous Muse, Morrissey, Mary J. Blige, and my guilty pleasure and love of my life... Justin Timberlake (he is sooo in the closet).
I watch a lot of movies, but there are only a handfull that I would watch over and over again. They are as diverse as my taste in music: Brokeback Mountain, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Wizard of Oz, Starship Troopers, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Interview with a Vampire, House of 1000 Corpses, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, The Neverending Story, and anything with Parker Posie.
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!! I am totally obsessed with King of the Hill. Prolly cause my own family is a bit like Luanne's... sans the whole trailer park thing. Noah's Ark, Project Runway, Prison Break, LOST, Heroes. Other than that I think TV is pretty much shit... actually, including that it's pretty much shit.
Anything by Laurell K. Hamilton... If you haven't read her, you should. I completely fell prey to the whole Davinci Code hype and anything by Dan Brown. Wicked, Memoirs of a Geisha, Neil Gaiman... The Devil Wears Prada, Harry Potter...
This is kind of a lame category. Sorta like "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?" I have lots of personal heroes. My friends... Joe, Scott, Sandy, to name a few. I also have a few hair heroes... Sandra Yu, Sherri Jesse, and Nina Tarantino to name a few. Democrats... I like them alot, too. I can't stand George W. My friend Sandy has a bumper sticker on her car that reads "The only Bush I trust is my own." HAHA! Truly, words to live by.