Chuck Staley profile picture

Chuck Staley

Join me in my Alternate World!

About Me

When I was a teenager growing up in the South, a person who fed his family by taking pictures was a photographer and a person who painted pictures was an artist. I never wanted to be a photographer and I wasn’t about to work in my dad’s funeral home when I finished school – I wanted to be an artist.
But my parents informed me that photographers stood a chance of bringing home a weekly paycheck while most artists starved to death, so I got into television broadcasting instead. I became a cameraman and then a director. Those people weren’t called artists back then, and you never heard about “hungry cameramen” or “starving directors,” so it appeased my folks, especially since I insisted that I wasn’t going to “bury old dead people for a living.”
It has been only a short time since photography became acknowledged as an art form. I think it happened about the time snowboarding became an Olympic sport, I’m not really sure. What I do know is that it took a hell of a long time for the terminology to change and the technology to catch up with the artist that was hiding within me.
What I now see is, while I have been known as an artist for only two years now, my art career really started over half a century ago, because that’s when I took many of the pictures that now hang on the gallery walls as artwork. So I guess I have been an artist for most of my life – I just didn’t know it.
Sorry, Mom and Dad…
If you like my work and would like to stay informed, I would love to hear from you. And thanks for dropping by…
This antique train was in a museum in Karlsruhe, Germany.
During WWII the building was bombed, exposing the treasure.
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My Interests

Modern Works

Vintage France

I'd like to meet:

My Best Seller...

When I was in the army, station in rural France, I photographed
this shepherd and his dog. A few days later, a group of farmers
showed up. When I finally figured out what they wanted, it was a
copy of the picture I had taken. The poor shepherd had died
and his widow wanted a photo to remember him by.

Chuck Staley's present and alternate worlds:

(Hit F5 - refresh - to start the slide show from the beginning.)

Vintage Germany

Chuck Staley's Artist Friends


How To Order:

If you're interested in ordering, click on the Gallery Logo below and it will take you to a secure site and show you all of the art with the prices. All major credit cards are honored.
Thanks a million!..