About Me
The thick textured soundscapes flow from the instruments as they play their musicians. The feeling, or feelings, that one gets from partaking in the musical creations of this five-some are joyful and interesting. As Sunspire takes you on a journey of thought, emotion, imagery, and dimension, the ear like the eyes, can see what is being said. To categorize Sunspire's sound, the fusion of jazz sliding through grooves of funk and reggae, as another jam band, over simplifies their music. As one embarks on the experience one quickly realizes its hypnotic nature does not allow for too much in the way of logical categorizing. In fact that tends to be the furthest thing from one's mind. Instead, the observer of this show joins his/her inner contemplative and lucid mind and follows the story as it's told from the speakers. Following Sunspire as the guide into one's own inner space where one chooses to dance, sit quietly, scream, cry, jump around, close their eyes and follow the light, or follow the bass, one learns a great deal about energy. This music is energizing, enlightening, and fun. Sunspire's sound draws from the pool of mythology, culture, and organic energy present in everyone, and everything. One is left with a greater understanding, somehow, of themselves, others, the past, the future, the present. Every song is explosive, fun and always new. Sunspire, just a really great band.