XX COSMIC CAT XX profile picture


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.. My Names Leanne,most call me Lea or other stuff, I'm 30 years old....yes yes I know....fountain of youth!! lol I have a beautiful daughter aka Rhi and a lovely Man aka JH! I enjoy many a thing,including winding people up in work, acting, singing(like Bridget Jones in my Living room)drawing, creative stuff etc... I write poems sporadically,fire flare occasionally and face paint and dress up at every opportunity!!! I enjoy the company of many friends from totally different aspects of the social spectrum so meaning I have a busy and varied social life! I work at the local hospital as a customer service provider in the food sector....e.g....I'm a fecking catering assistant,lol (dont make your job seem all its not cracked up to be) and I also enjoy being a Youth Support worker in my Local town, I deliver the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme with 2 others....great job!! all in all, I can be a witty individual when I want to be, and I enjoy laughing(probably why I got crows feet already)I enjoy a good waffle,not in the eating variety,but as in nattering....get me drunk, I might spill,but remember,lose lips sink ships.....so look out for those icebergs all you ships!!! xxxLuvleaxxx ..
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My Interests

ohhhh, reading,although I dont do it often enough, writing, poetry, acting ,singing(badly) My daughter, socialising(I'd like to do it a bit more) My Friends, a new love for a few things girly, Watching cheap trash on telly, going to Gigs,music, taking pictures, although I wouldnt say photography,cos that implies I think i'm somewhat good at it, I just like taking them,especially things understated! I love cycling about with my daughter, and Cosying up to my Boyfriend. I'm interested in life itself, forensic science, criminology and dabbled a bit in Parapsychology.

I'd like to meet:


theres no-one i'd really like to meet,no-one famous anyway


Hip hop,morcheeba,stone roses, pink floyd,led zep,lynard skynard,Nirvana,Red Hot Chilli peppers,Kenny young and the egg plants,pulp,blur,leonard cohen,prodigy,moby,The Rex,Skin Imps, Templeton pec,Steve Stroud, The Time, High time(swoon)Pyro loads more


any trash, white chicks, dude wheres my car, 10 things I hate about you(although I could think of many more)


ohhh Lost, desparate housewives,csi,diagnosis murder,Shameless,any true life crime forensic stuff Dog The Bounty Hunter,Phoenix nights,Most Haunted, UGLY BETTY! Neighbours,Home and away(although I dont watch it as often as I'd like cos JH and Rhi always got Simpsons on...

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ahhh books I love em, mostly plays like "The importance of being Earnest" "I warn you miss Cardew...you may go too far"or poetry,,,,forensic stuff, history of punishment etc...
Cool Slideshows


its shite,I saw one episode and switched it over......oh you mean my hero's?? ohhhhh, errrrrm, JH and Rhi for being so dam good looking,lol ..
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My Blog

Tis the season to get lolly!!

Cripes,what a great Halloween themed week we've been having round here! well, 1st of all we had a gr8,if a bit tiring week off with the kids school hols, Rhi went the zoo twice(once with Mum,once with...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:47:00 PST

Alreeet there Ladyman....Tarra a bit Luv!!

Well, it's been about 12 hours since Betty of Barlow and I went on a freebie to Liverpool Olympia theater to see.......The World Famous(lol) Lady boys of Bangkok!!!!! I had a few more tickets left ove...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:43:00 PST

They tried to make me work at Christmas.....but I said Noooo Noooo No

has It really already been a week?? again in work a tad early, I could be perusing the tat that is'the car boot sale' but nothing seems to want to drag me from this(sometimes excessively) warm buildin...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST

Do the Shake n’ Vac and put the breathlesness back!

Sunday Morning....racking up unessacary hours on the old online friendship accounts, sending 15,000 drinks on facebook and slamdunking a million others, the reason being,is that Cheshire havent quite ...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 12:38:00 PST

4 seasons in one day!

well, JH has finally Managed to get the camera to upload photos to the comp, so Ive spent the last hour or 2 uploading the last 4 months of our lives onto the thing!! Ive put a few of the best Cherri...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:45:00 PST

Breathe.....the Reprieve!!

Seems I have a little more time(top Beautiful South tune!) on my hands, My Step Dad just rang to say the furniture is to be delivered at a later date this week....phew....I can put down the shake and...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:11:00 PST

I wouldnt touch you to scratch you!!!

Here it is again, another update you don't really need to know about,but heck, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you anyway!! lol my life is shit....i've no friends....I'm bored....no-one likes me...you're ...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 02:49:00 PST

Playing with my Bean ;o)

Yes you read right,probably just had the wrong thought!! forget my LTT(I did about 2 days after I got it) forget the good old exercise bike(what exercise bike?) wash from your minds the mini trampette...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:35:00 PST

whats a matter you hey? gotta no respect hey?

How long is it since my last visit?? about 10 daysish? whats happening in Leas world Leas world,well it wasn't party time, and its hardly been excellent, well yes and no it has and it hasn't,lol, went...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 03:57:00 PST

15 stone in a day!!

I think Ive finally recovered from my weekend of mayhem, enough said about it the better,lol(you never know who's listening) lets just say, it was fun ;o)so, between the 4 of us gals on diets together...
Posted by XX COSMIC CAT XX on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:17:00 PST