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Harry Moon

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For 2007 I've decided to keep a record of all the books I have read. And I finally managed my 52nd book of 07. Yay!! You can see too, click the link below:
my facebook profile: add me! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=501213860
My Photographs: http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrymoon/My short stories: http://www.distantmoons.com/Short_Stories/short_stories.html My Poems: http://www.distantmoons.com/Poems_and_Ruminations/poems_and_ ruminations.html
Please feel free to download a calander I made of my favourite zoo photos. If you want the original file to create your own photo calander just e.mail me and i'll send it. Copy and paste this link for the calander;http://www.distantmoons.com/ZooCalendar2007.pdfor just visit the Distant Moons website http://www.distantmoons.com
Some of my photos below:For those interested my MSN is [email protected] or YAHOO h99_i_dreamt_i_was_a_solipsist
Sometimes I think I think too much, sometimes I think it's not enough, sometimes I think people focus too much on love, sometimes.....well you get the picture. I think art can often transcend human beings, unless that is just my lack of perception or understanding, which ultimately provides me with a focus and desire to learn. Time lives happily without memory but can memory live without time, why live in the world when you can live in your mind? All these points will change day by day and i've recently been told I chase my tail too much, I guess in response all I can say is something like i guess it's all relative, bitterness isn't necessarily truth or a distillation of how I feel, I write as a way of expressing a mood or feeling that might or might not exist in and of itself, I find if I write poems it is out of me rather than in me, and the world is a little better that way. my strength is my weakness but another weakness is thinking that is a strength.
other stuff:
Tall I guess, music is everything, truth is the only thing that cannot be improved upon, I dreamt I was a solipsist, I run on roads and fells(mainly for Helsby), I attempt stuff but it's never enough, I like the solace of guitar and the beauty of word, writing is my cure for lonliness
I guess I am a statue that is silently chipping away at itself forming an outline and creating structure until one day standing tall and cold and alone I will be fully formed and happy and thinking to myself that it's all come too late.( Click here to Purchase Crossing the Bridge of Infinity by Adair Broughton )
And growing vegetables and fruit is pretty damm amazing, I just gotta get out more which luckily enough happens whenever my camera winks at me when I wake up
and to some people I never talk to, I miss you
..Random Thoughts Section
....To be continuosly continued in the present and future continuums
On Gas: Helium is my favourite gas, well except oxygen of course, i'm not that stupid
On Individuality: with everyone looking in and only one person looking out, that is the inbalance of all our lives
On Fashion: "I wear it well, a little old fashioned, but that's ok right?"On Love: I have to live the rest of my life knowing no one else can compare (to her)..rek: The Prime Directive is not a set of rules. It is a philosophy
On Strangers: I sometimes picture the light from a sunny day, reflecting off leaves and grass and earth, and know even that is like nighttime compared to the intensity of the thoughts she sharedOn Cats: As I heard JC say one day, "It's fun to put the inside of toilet rolls on cats legs so you can watch them walk like robots"On The Simpsons: Homer "Now Marge it takes two to lie. One to lie, another to listen!"On Relativity: Einstein knew it. Now you do. Energy-matter determines space-time curvature. See it's easy but not like Sunday mornings obviously.
On Birds: I love birdsong, it's like the perfect balance between peace and panic
On Hedonism: everything in moderaton, including moderation
On The Universe: well I hear people talk about the Universe being Infinite, but in what way? Light speed is finite, hence we surely have a finite visible universe. Outside our little (I'm being very relative here) bubble of light we have no concept of size, we cannot access that 'reality', by all means consider our finite universe part of a more infinite multiverse, but with a best estimate of 125 billion galaxies each containing 125 billion stars, it's too early to start talking infinities, it's just kinda big :p
On Fame: fame is a devalued misrepresented commodity, it is not linear and however much you seek it people will always be more interested in their own lives than you, and thats healthy!
On Evolution: Hmm I guess it's being fit for replication via random mutation
On Time and Money: People spend a lot of their time making money, to spend money buying things that save time, or so it seems to me. Who gets that?On Time: Sometimes the past takes a long time to happen
On Guitar: It is my only true lover. Am or Em are my favourite chords. I am suprised nobody has yet created a myspace quiz "what guitar chord are you!". I guess it'll happen.
On People: People confuse me. It is far easier to understand say a star than a person. Gravity crushes complexity. I can learn physical laws, understand chemical process, absorb knowledge gained through many years of research but I will never completely comprehend a single person.
On Confusion: I put it down to three things. Consciousness, Godel's Incompleteness and Entropy.
On Information: Everything is information. Matter, consciousness, energy, spacefoam at the sub-planck level. The theory of everything will be a theory of Hierarchical Information Duplicity. How it can be transferred. How it can exist within itself. Everything.
On Something: Why is there something rather than nothing?
On Nothing: Well, let's take some 'best guess' statistics. Dark energy makes up about 70% of the Universe (which can be ascertained from the rotation of galaxies for example); the rest is dark matter(25%)and normal matter (5%). 95% of our universe we know nothing about. I find that incredible, awe-inspiring, liberating and claustraphobic. The earth, the planets, the stars, all matter accounts for 5% of 'what is out there'. Shine that torch, light the candle, look through a telescope. The universe is complete darkness to us. I guess it essence it appears we know a lot about a very little. But it's a wonderful journey.
On Jesus as a Teenager: "Shut up Joseph, you aren't my real dad"On God: Well ask yourself this question. Can God produce a rock so big that he cannot lift it?On Music: I don't know who said it but "Where there is music, there is no evil"On Chickens and Eggs: I always hear this question; What came first the chicken or the egg? Oh lordy, there wasn't just suddenly an egg or a chicken. Evolution came first.
On Worth: Anything worthwhile in this life doesn't come easy. There is no such thing as a magic fix...
On Acting: I think all actors are better looking in black and white films.
On Life: Well this could go on and on. There are many life thoughts. But i've come to the conclusion that it's not what you get out of something, but rather, what you put into it. Maybe we concentrate too much on outputs.
On favourite things: Timmy :(, Nan :(, Neil Young, Books, Acoustic Guitar, my legs, Canon EOS 400d,
On wishes: I try not to have them, but I know I could have perfect love if I could love unconditionally.On Dreams: Well they are just great. Mostly, I like good dreams about bad things.
On Bigger Pictures: I think it's good to have hope but the more I think what happens next......well, memories are better than thoughts of heaven. Keep those memories strong and use them!
On Love and Gravity: Some analogies suck, including this one. Love is anti-gravity. Gravity is what keeps your feet on the ground. Love tries it's best in allowing you to float.
On Life: You don't need a path if you have a way.
On Trains, planes and automobiles: Sometimes we don't travel on them, sometimes we are waiting for who does.
On Hair Dye: It seems young people dye their hair to be different while old people dye their hair to stay the same. As for me, who needs hair!
Ends and Means: The end justifies the means? Be careful, what if there never is an end? Yanno, sometimes we can do things for the right reasons but those actions cause undue consequences....
On running: We all know about the lonliness of the long distance runner but what about your thoughts while your body is at it's physical limit. So many thoughts and reflections happen, it really opens the mind. For thirteen miles today I was thinking about someone, it made me want to work harder, run faster, push my body more. I wouldn't say it was anger but I was able to put a lot of things in perspective that I should have a long time ago. I felt driven. That person is gone, I outran them and ghosts can't catch up, thats a beautiful thing about life. We have to constantly change, move on, repair ourselves, find new challenges but maybe not completely forget about people who now reside in dark corners of the universe. It's freedom in a way, when that epiphany grabs you and consequently you know you don't actually care.
On Debt: I think it is a good thing in life to remember that you don't have to owe to give.
More On Dreams: Someone give me hope that all dreams are not just words or dancing neurons playing in the false shadows of consciousness
On Windows: I think as long as there is a window there is an escape. To be locked in a room with even the smallest shaft of light there is hope. Define that room how you will.
On Smiles: Some things can really surprise you. A simple smile is one of those. You can be walking down the road, lost to a world of thought, internalising so much, being despondent about people or work or other things that shouldn't actually matter but always do, and yet suddenly you look up and someone smiles at you, you don't know them but it's like a huge burden is lifted, a free gift of someones essence or soul, you feel great and you realise the world is ok. Someone has made you feel great. Why not be that person. Smile at someone :d
On Betterment: I've found better never means better for everyone. It always means worse for some or someone..
On Love (again?): Love or the feeling of love is always approximate. I'd hasten to add.. you can only begin to understand it once it has gone. How can you ever describe a lost feeling truthfully?
On Jamais vu: I'm sure like everyone else I have experienced Deja Vu, felt its wonder, then established reasoning as to cause but recently I seem to be getting an opposite feeling, like I could be in a familiar place yet it feels very strange, the overriding sense that i've never been there before or that i'm not really there. Am I slowly detaching myself from reality?
On Jigsaws and Life: Sometimes it is the one piece that doesn't fit that shows you how to complete the jigsaw. Like in science, it's that piece that doesn't fit which will lead to the breakthrough. Do you fit? Why would you want too.
On Cards and Life: Play with the hand you are dealt. You can't change it but you can use it. Maybe you need to bluff or gamble, never fold, luck is always involved, look around you. How is everyone else reacting? You have the choice, they are not just cards.
On Surprise: We should always stand in the way of it. Absorb it, let it hit you, stand in front of it, enjoy it, be scared of it but let it always be there.
On Writers: Arthur Miller, I am in awe and yet, have always been rather perplexed he could write about the failings of the american dream (salesman) while marrying the american dream (Monroe). Who can write the script for life, it's rather funny like that.On People: I prefer the kind of people who are born at the bottom of wishing wells.On Dreams (again): I think they are symbolic and metaphoric interpretations of filtered happyness and discontent manifesting themselves as lucid meanderings via a partitioned and healthy outlet that induces us to tidy our minds as our souls lie peacefully in some horizontal dance of solitude that embraces healing nightly..if you can sleep that is.
On Earth: Sometimes it's a very small big world...
On Worry and Time: Time takes care of problems a lot more efficiently than worry does, so don't give worry any time to find a problem.
On Time: I think time should be measured by how much can be achieved in the space of a commercial break.
On Talking: I find some people who know a lot talk a lot, but I recently met someone who knew everything. They didn't say a word. Why would they? I think someone who is willing to tell you everything about their life is probably not as intriguing as the person who says nothing at all..On Luck: Sometimes I think luck is just a solemn word for ignorance yet I was probably just unlucky in being born cynical.
On Happyness: I was told by someone (who has slightly curtailed my aloofness) that happyness does not have limits...so I considered this and happyness does come with limits because it is bounded by a before and after....there may well be no limits while there is no after...I just don't feel comfortable in life becoming too happy......because afterall, what comes after perfection? I'm quite happy knowing this.
On Stories: There are often lines of text, that tell a story or convey a feeling but sometimes real meaning or mystery is what is spoken in the empty parts between the lines..the greatest stories are the ones that are never told...
On Philosophy: Nothing really matters because nothing lasts forever? Is it the role of philosophy to recognise this truth while battling despondency and still finding meaning at the end of it?
On Truth again: I think on occasion lies can be more noble than truth...if those lies are classed as philosophical interpretations where facts rest on pivots of dreams where sleep is only one more reality.
On Pills: We are young and open a packet and brightly coloured shapes fall onto the table and we try each colour and enjoy the sweet tastes that dance like angels on the tongue. We are old and open a bottle and brightly coloured shapes fall onto the table and slowly we take each one and regret the bitterness of each, which is less of a taste than the thoughts of a life that remembers being a child opening a packet and trying our best not to try everything at once.
On Reality: Truth. Romance. Reality! Can they be mixed? Ok, so Keats and Plato thought Beauty was Truth, I did too, well I still do but i'm beginning to think that true reality can only exist in the myth of mind, not so much observers collapsing wave forms but what is inside us is the purest form, distilled essence of self so to speak. What I can conceive in my mind (like any human can) is beautiful and constructive and untouched and importantly if it's not created to harm anybody else, then that is true reality, even if it lasts for only the briefest amount of time. So where does the romance fit into this. Well I think romance is not loving ourselves but in letting others create their own beauty and handing the purest thing to someone else is the greatest gift or reality we can give. It's not a meaning of life, but it is a reason for meaning.
On Writers Block: I find the best solution to this is to stare at a blank wall.
On Why Being Human is Special: Well, as an example, humans can create wind powered vehicles that travel faster than the wind. Oh, and we can go to space and stuff.
On Youth: Youth is wasted on the young yada yada, but sincerely, if you are young, these are the good old days you will one day miss. Make the most of them.
On Creativity: That spark of brilliance, the divine spirit of genius is within us all but it can't escape because too much knowledge blocks its path. Empty the cup, then try drinking.
.. and After: Sometimes you can never really know before until after.
Some Top Tips:
To treat high blood pressure: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.
Avoid cutting yourself slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold while you chop.
You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.
I think it's important that sense should never completely be in charge of our sensesSend me your top tips!

My Interests

I like Museums

Writing under my being born name of Adair BroughtonCheck the http://www.Distantmoons.com website for free downloads or buy one of my books by following the link to amazon on the main page.Click here to Purchase Crossing the Bridge of Infinity by Adair Broughton
reading, running, music, guitar,Photography - Some photos here;http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrymoon/check out www.distantmoons.com
or my band profile onhttp://www.myspace.com/thedistantmoonsany comments would be cool or add yourself as a friend
i'm rich beyond my wildest dreams, supposedly this is what my website www.distantmoons.com is worth...wait for it.... $168.00 woohoo anyone wanna offer me a million?
This website is worth ..
What is your website worth?

I'd like to meet:

Both those present and somewhat absent..because I really do wish I wasn't as stubborn as I am...it's the only way I can protect myself. A muppet preferably animal but sheesh beggars can't be choosers, a panda, a dolphin, people before they change, anyone who knows a secret, Neil Young, David Crosby, a cake builder, Eliza Dushku, Jean Louisa Kelly, Milan Kundera, John Steinbeck, a senile clown, an angry alien, that dude Anon who wrote all them cool poems, Bod, Cannavaro, Steve McQueen, Boo Radley, Gregory Peck and would be pretty awesome to meet those people who mean what they say, someone who still goes scrumping I can be mates with and a soul mate, or just a soul or even just a mate.Who i'd like not to meet: anyone who hunts for sport or fun, clubs seals, kills whales, I hope your eyes fall out randomly and people accidently step on them. I don't think thats too harsh.
adopt your own virtual pet!


Deaf Shepherd, Irony Maiden, Crowded Scouse, A Kestral Manouevres in the Dark, or any good cover band with a fun name! Neil Young, Jeff Buckley, Suicidal Tendencies, Nirvana, Bob Dylan, CSNY, Gang of Four, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, Elliot Smith, Metallica, Megadeth, The Jam, Icicle Works, Echo & the Bunnymen, Mathew Good Band, Smashing Pumpkins, I am Kloot, Cat Stevens, Buffalo Springfield, Tool, New Order, Joy Division, Pink Floyd, The Boss, Ron Sexsmith, the Smiths, the Dude at the Subway, Spirit, The Verve, Buffalo Springfield, Waterboys, Laura Critchley, Jose Feliciano, David Bowie, New York Dolls, Arcade Fire, The Distant Moons, King Penguin
as the beautiful man says; "her love is a rose dead and dying, dropping her petals and man i know, all full of wine the world before her, but sober with no place to godon't fool yourself, she was heartache from the moment that you met her, my heart is frozen still, as i try to find the will to forget her somehow, she's somewhere out there now"The great Stipe once sang "It's easier to leave than be left behind"
and music is not complete without this guy, it brings a tear to my eye


While my guitar gently weeps, among others Tom Petty and Prince (Prince is certainly not gentle, makes his mark about 4 minutes). An amazing piece of music.
.. width="425" height="350" ....
Is there a more perfect love song?
.. width="425" height="350" ....
probably up there with James Dean as a beautiful man who left too soon. An awesome song, an awesome title, but always much easier to say than do.. width="425" height="350" ....I'm just a panda and i'll dance for a quarter!!funny panda video

Add to My Profile | More VideosI love this song more than a fat kid loves cake. Myself and Dave always listen to it on the way to Telfords Sunday nights.. width="425" height="350" ....Dinosaur Jr help me breathe, we are more than just collections of molecules with music like this.. width="425" height="350" ....Yeah this is where I get all my moves... width="425" height="350" ....A beautiful man.. width="425" height="350" ....The Paris Angels, I guess you had to be there, I miss you guys.. width="425" height="350" ....you can't diss the moon.. width="425" height="350" ....Metal by Numbers 123 - Posehn.. width="425" height="350" ....Battle of the Bands using Vinyl Album Covers.. width="425" height="350" ....
Billy Bragg. Greetings to the New Brunette. 80's video. Quality
.. width="425" height="350" ....
Childrens TV at it's finest. Rainbow.


Quantum Leap, Spongebob, Futurama, Lost, Cagney and Lacey, The Office, Little Britain, Black Books, Scrubs"Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings."- Dr. Cox Scrubs


Milan Kundera, John Steinbeck, Richard Dawkins, Fantasy, Classics, HST, Bob Wilson, Orson Scott Card, Science


any in tights or spandex

My Blog

New Short Story - The Dead Cigarettes

Have a great zero8 good people, may it bring you peace, harmony, love, understanding, lots of cliche and a drop of something special The Dead Cigarettes ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-micro...
Posted by Harry Moon on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:01:00 PST

Canis Lupis

had a lovely autumnal trip to Scotland mainly to see some European Wolves. I've attached a few of the photos below for those interested :d Will work on this poem soon also as it's only a few words I j...
Posted by Harry Moon on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 03:38:00 PST

New lens and sunsets at West Kirby

Due to my upcoming Scottish Wildlife trip (yes, taking photos of wolves, beavers, otters etc near Aviemore) I purchased a new lens for the canon. Will be away until 15th October!Was quite pleased and ...
Posted by Harry Moon on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 05:10:00 PST

A Ripple Reaches Sunrise

Have not posted a poem for a while...............called a ripple reaches sunrise I ventured out on a sunset parade Where colours fade but dreams are made With dying light they come to life The settin...
Posted by Harry Moon on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:32:00 PST


This is the lyrics to a song i've been working on. Will probably post it on my distant moons myspace and definitely post it on the distantmoons.com website.For those interested I apologise for my mysp...
Posted by Harry Moon on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:22:00 PST

The Distant Moons - Short Story

Well this story has nothing at all to do with Distant Moons but I think i'll keep the title. Hopefully it raises a few interesting thoughts and questions and not much more to add really. Feel the need...
Posted by Harry Moon on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 04:29:00 PST

Mountain Running Panda on TV

Well I found out today that the Snowdon International Mountain Race will be televised. Received an e.mail and a questionnaire from some researcher who wants a little information about each runner to ...
Posted by Harry Moon on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:11:00 PST

A week of funny dreams

so I don't usually blog....about life in general, mainly poems and songs and stories........I have these walls that I can't break down unless my thoughts and feelings are disguised in metaphorical me...
Posted by Harry Moon on Wed, 23 May 2007 04:41:00 PST

What if you stayed the night?

I think What If questions can be quite important occasionallyWhat if you stayed the nightWould I seeA delicate impressionThe whisper of an angelOf where you wereOn my pillowA soft indent with theSmell...
Posted by Harry Moon on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:03:00 PST

Snowdon International 2007

Well i'm kinda happy! I've just found out i've been accepted into the Snowdon International 2007. Basically a race where you run to the top of Snowdon and down again. Snowdon is the tallest mountain i...
Posted by Harry Moon on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 04:14:00 PST