music, funny stuff, and Shiny and curvey things like: sports cars(GT 40, Mustang, Firebird, Nova SS), Harleys, or a woman with great legs in shiny pantyhose. Spreading the Joy of life with those who need to have thier smile jumpstarted! God watches over: widows, orphans, idiots, fools, and the cataclysmically stoned
Publishers clearing house prize patrol. anyone willing to give me money, the perfect woman! Ok I'll settle for Miss Right. Ok, Ok I'll settle for Miss sometimes right. Sporky, I'd like to meet you again any and every time! Ceazer Malon the dog wisperer. That Verizon Guy, "can you hear me now? Good" H. Ward and J. Bettis
comody, slim shady, U2,"what was I thinking", Mathew West, Appologetics, diet pop, pop rocks, Cure, 80's, just about everything except folk, polka, and yodaling. Favorite music video Aha Take on me.
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Create a playlist with this video on imeem
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Sure lets go, you are buying right? just help me get my feet unstuck from the floor when it's over. Spiderman, StarWars, Scary Movie series, anything with Jackie Chan or Saundra Bollock!!
I have one, but it just sit's there like a bump on a log never doing any tricks so I don't watch it anymore. Mash 4077, McGyver, weather channel, Dog Wisperer, Trick my truck, Dukes of hazzard, Extream make over, and Steeler Games!!!!
mostly used for decorations, and levaling furniture, and keeping dust off the coffee table, sometimes used to kill bugs. Biographies of comidians and entertainers! Books on Jokes and humor, or misheard song lyrics.
Emily B, Saundra Bullock, Ronald Reagan, Bill Cosby, Bob Hope, Charles Swindoll, Spiderman, Don Knotts, Wonder Woman, Dick Van Dyke, Mash 4077,Wierd Al, Arnold the Govenator, and that guy who invented the funny bone.